✔ 最佳答案
No one really knows for sure. Yet Most 'seasoned' users like yourself will say that the majority of questions are Never returned to by the OP. It seems a great Many of them get their answer ( especially homework ) and then leave. In the days when we could delete our Q's, Many would do that instead. It's likely the reason why Yahoo disabled that feature - possibly hoping the OP would choose at some point.
Regardless of the reason though - with YA's 'bright idea' of opening All resolved Q's it seems a bit unproductive to choose a BA. Even if you do find 1 to answer the question at hand - hundreds of other users ( Mostly point gamers/spammers ) get free roam to lay down their thoughts. This has made a lot of users abandon the question even more than they did before the change.
So until YA limits the Q's asked to BA's chosen ratio - the percentage will likely decrease even more, especially on our own BA percentage.