I don't know if I'm depressed or just sad?

2015-01-20 12:50 pm
Good afternoon. English isn't my native language, I apologize in advance if my grammatically problematic text irritates you.
Every day when I wake up I feel nothing but emptiness. The only reason why I haven't tried any form of suicides is because of my Christian beliefs; you commit suicide and you go to hell.

It's hard to tell what makes me think this way but I'd name a few examples. After High School, I received offers of scholarships from a College I applied for (summer). I was especially happy because I could help dad repay his debts. Just a few weeks later my dad was diagnosed with cancer. School started in Autumn, I began to enjoy my new life and my dad was on his way recovery and then BOOM, he passed away in Nov.

I can't help but think "God hates me and enjoys seeing me suffer". From a non-religious point of view, I feel like something is blocking me from happiness. Whenever I feel relieved, even for just a little while, bad things strike right away. I've came to a conclusion that it's life's way of telling me that "you're not supposed to be happy".

People say life's full of ups and downs, but I believe mine is constantly going downwards. There isn't a single week where I can sleep without crying.

I've been talking to a social worker since autumn. She convinced me that what I'm experiencing is normal. I thought to myself "finally someone proves that my suffering is normal and deserved".

Am I just sad, ill or just a useless whiner?

My father's death happened several years ago. The world has always been flawed in my eyes. (which I assumed is normal for pessimistic people) Whenever I have a emotional breakdown, which happens once in a few days, I immediately think "not again; I'm going to be alright for 1 or 2 days and break down again". Last time I saw my social worker she asked "do you consider yourself emotionally stable?". And I replied "is constantly in grief considered a stable emtional state?".

回答 (9)

2015-01-20 1:04 pm
Your sufferings are common but that does not mean they are deserved. Life is not trying to put you down, its not some evil force or entity of its own. If you would like to think of it this way is that perhaps God knows you are strong enough to handle this. I am not saying he purposely made your father ill just for the purpose to test you. All I am saying is that don't worry about why it is happening to you and just trust your self that you can cope with this because you already are. What you are going through is really tough and only a few will be able to understand you but trust me you can go through this. I suggest you continue seeing your social worker.
2015-01-21 4:25 pm
Suicide is not a solution.Better something is achieved by overcoming troubles and suffers.My father was died when I was four.I had to pass my days with sufferings and troubles for only want of money, I also thought about suicide but after trying heart and soul now I am a student of the highest academic institute of my country.Now I have a good dream.So just wait and try to do something better then you won't feel about suicide.
2015-01-21 1:38 am
You're not willing to kill yourself to end your eternal suffering because you're too scared of eternal suffering. The only logical reason you would keep on living is if you had some optimism for life. I conclude that although you're suffering. You do have something to live for no matter how small.

Emotion is intrinsically linked to your environment. Not just in a physical sense but also in a social sense. If you want to change your emotional spectrum change the things around you. Be proactive. You can't control your emotional response to your environment but you can change your environment, and therefore change how you feel. It's not always possible, but it does make a difference. That's my meandering advice.
2015-01-21 12:44 am
One's parent's passing on is of course suffering for all concerned. You might try Googling "Klove.com," "Focus on the Family," "Hope for the Heart," as these are all generic counseling services with a Christian flavor. (The urls are not given, as someone on this Category reports them.)

The goodness of the above 3 sites: licensed counselors who also maintain lists of local counselors, and resources (ask the FotF for "counseling dept." when you call).

You might appreciate C. S. Lewis' "The Great Divorce" and "Mere Christianity," and Shaunti Feldhahn's "For Couples Only," if you've not yet encountered them. And, Soon Ok Lee's "Eyes of the Tailless Animals" and Rev. Richard Wurmbrand's "Tortured for Christ" are also inspirational re overcoming.
2015-01-20 5:36 pm
One thing is that there is not happiness in this world. Life is miserable sinse we take birth. Pain when we are born, pain going to school, pain when we work hard, pain when we get old, pain when we get desiase and pain when we die. Where and when is happiness? Is just illusion. For some little pleasure like drinking or havin sex or having some material possessions like a nice house, we forget pain, is just illusion. Happiness is only with God. You are too busy lamenting, your mind is always disturbed, you are too much absorbed in yourself in selfish way, and for that you don't pay attention to God which is the key for all the problem of life. My sister just died from cancer last Wendnesday. I was sad, laminting? No, I when to the Temple and I said to God, "Thank my dear Lord for protecting my sister, You saved her from so much pain."
Everyone must die in this world, sooner or later. God is telling us, is telling YOU! don't put your faith in nothing material in this world, everything is a source or suffering. Attachment to material life is suffering, attachment to God is full of happiness.
Every second someone is dying, what to do? Just serve the Lord because our turn to die will come, then we will see God face to face and come back with Him. After all these material bodies are temporaries and just source of miseries, we don't need it. We are pure souls, eternal lovers of God.
2015-01-20 3:57 pm
Most of us are emotional cripples in some way or the other. It is a miracle that we can even function so much is going on inside of us. But in the end we make do and survive to live another day without a single problem. We have learned to live with the torments and storms tossing us around like little boats in a hurricane lost at sea. With all of that going on still, I manage to live within my means. Seems all that coordinates and moderates itself according to some reality it perceives beyond my normal consciousness. Somehow I make due.
2015-01-20 3:21 pm
You are sad because you have pain. this pain causes you to see more sad stuff. You have to look for external things to be happy for. If you see some one get something be happy for them.If they doubled your pay tomorrow you would be happy for six months, then it would run out. Look for happy thoughts in every direction. When I see piece of paper blow down the street, I think "wow good break dude a minute ago your were in the trash and now you are wind surfing, on vacation". If you think that about everything you see, you will radiate happy. This will attract other happy people.
2015-01-20 1:55 pm
That's life. What you're experiencing is common-bad things happen out of the blue just when we think we have our lives under control. There will never come a time when surprises,good and bad,stop happening.
I'm 50,a lot older than you,and the same thing still happens to me. Two days ago I lost a good friend who I grew up with,knew him all my life-he was feeling sick,with a slight fever,went to bed and never woke up.
His brother is still waiting to hear from the medical examiner. This is a guy who never had any health problems until now.
Not the same is losing your dad,I know,but it's an example-death is part of life and you never know when it will strike. Don't think of it as punishment or being picked on by God-it's natural to get depressed when bad things happen but life goes on. Try to enjoy what you've got-your life is just getting started and I'm sure your dad wouldn't want you to miss out on too much of it because of his death.
2015-01-20 1:43 pm
Every thing something bad happens to you in life.

Whenever you feel hurt.

You need to CRY about it.

Most people have been trained to repress that part of nature due to various prejudices that are NOT based in reason or evidence.

After you cry you may feel exhausted but that is a NECESSARY side effect from expelling your PSYCHOLOGICAL PAIN.

Trust me ive been doing it for a many months and i feel better and better.

Sometimes i do it too much and i have to experience discomfort for a while but after i have a good sleep things fall into place in my mind and i feel healed and BETTER THEN EVER.

Most people dont want to go there.They dont want to cry.They say they feel worse afterwards.Yes but only for a SHORT time and DEEP DOWN they are HEALED and stronger then before.

Trust me on this.

There is no other way around it that i know of.

Talk about your feelings to someone you trust and dont be afraid to cry.

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