Help! I have a quiz tomorrow on 1984 and I haven't read the book yet!?

2015-01-20 4:26 am

回答 (12)

2015-01-20 4:45 am
Then prepare to be taken to Room 101.
2015-01-20 6:11 am
your ignorance lazyness and sheer arrogance has messed you up here you dont expect us too help you its sad though as its a truly fantastic book
2015-01-20 4:47 am
Build a time machine and go back in time to 1984 and ask Orwell for the answers.
2015-01-20 1:24 pm
You'd better get reading.
2015-01-20 7:51 am
Well then, you have a very long day of reading ahead of you then, don't you? Instead of asking on the internet, open the book and get started. It's a fantastic book.
2015-01-20 4:58 am
Either read the book tonight, or plead the Fifth Amendment when they ask you questions.
2015-01-20 9:19 am
There isnt much you can do to help someone who doesnt prepare for something that he knows is coming. You'll never pass that test, even if you found the movie. Best advice I can give is accept that your responsiblity at this age is to try to learn what you are being taught. You are being taught for a reason. Maybe that reason is so you can be prepared for the rest of life after school. Dont spend your adulthood regreting you were silly as a kid and didnt learn while you could. Take the failing grade, make it up if you can. Dont be an idiot and repeat your mistakes and at some point READ THE BOOK. You might be surprised at it's message. It;s a good book.
2016-12-15 6:13 am
Quiz 1984
2015-01-21 9:17 pm
Go buy some cliff notes on 1984 or use internet ask jeeves
2015-01-21 9:16 pm
Luckily for you 1984 is an excellent book and you'll fly through it
2015-01-20 3:27 pm
Don't they have Classic Comics anymore?
2015-01-20 4:23 pm
These are the answers to the quiz: A, C, A, C, D, A, B, A, C, C, D, B, C, B, C. The short fill-in extra credit answer is "Five." Glad to have been of help.

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