I just broke up with my BF because I just found out that he's still married. I'm 3 months pregnant. How should I tell his wife?

2015-01-20 12:32 am

I think it's wrong to date a married man, and as soon as I found out, I broke up with him. He is denying it of course, but I he would always ask me to step out of the room so that he could text his daughter. I got supisious and read all of his text messages. He is still in love with his wife or one of them, they are dirty talking.. and saying you are my only wife, I only love you.. Then I saw a Facebook picture of another wife and them kissing and family photos. I'm so upset.

回答 (14)

2015-01-20 9:52 pm
Send her a handwritten letter by certified mail telling her. Like some of the other responses above you aren't really going to gain anything by telling her, however he shouldn't be getting away with cheating on her either. Also I hope you do realize that he may sign away his parental rights to this baby you are expecting, so I hope you are financially and emotionally..... stable enough to raise a child?! I'd not focus so much on him and his wife and their marriage as much as I would be this baby and whether you are going to put it up for adoption, raise it, I'd consider abortion but I think it is too late for that now.

Good luck
2015-01-20 4:29 am
Wow this is definitely tuff. As I women I would want to know because STD's is real but confronting her is a bad choice for the safety of your unborn child. Don't do it! Not every women is non violent. Some women perfer to take their husband side and lies. Definitely Sue him for child support.
2015-01-20 1:36 am
His wife will find out when you sue for child support.
2015-01-20 12:58 am
I've no idea why you would bother. Serve him with child support when the baby is born and parentage can be proven and deal with the legalities. She's done you no harm.
2015-01-20 12:53 am
Not to sound mean but it sounds like misery loves company. Why are you trying to tell his wife? To make her upset just because you're upset? I think you should leave her alone. This issue is between you and him. Put him on child support and she will find out that way. I'm sorry you got trapped with a guy who you couldn't make to be a single family man. But telling his wife might not be the best idea for you or your unborn.
2015-01-20 12:47 am
He can tell her himself when the child support paperwork comes in the mail.
2015-01-20 12:44 am
Confront her !! Say " Your husband knocked me up !!!! "
2015-01-20 9:05 pm
It happened to me. I was so in love with the guy. The guy was married! I had our baby. She's great and never knew him, he didn't even want to know her, and he's a dummy. You do well to just go about it on your own. I did. Never looked back. Forget child support, just take care of your own baby. We all get lied to but you have a precious darling that will love you every day of your sweet life. Let the nut go. I'm sure you are not the only one. Take care sweetheart.
2015-01-20 9:54 pm
From your description, it sounds like you want to tell his wife.

Consider waiting until you become married before being pregnant could be possible again.

Consider asking the man you broke up with if he and his wife would adopt the child and be good parents.
2015-01-20 12:47 am
yes and move in with her and him
2015-01-21 1:39 am
AND THIS IS ALSO WHY IT IS WRONG TO HAVE SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE HON.All you can do is hope he pays the child support Call his wife up and let her know whats going on.
2015-01-20 7:38 pm
For sure tell her and beg her for foregivness for you !
2015-01-20 6:02 pm
You should not tell his wife, you should take him to family court and file for Child Support. Let him tell his wife, she will sooner or later find out without you telling her anything. I would not tell a married man's wife , I ran around with, that I am pregnant.
2015-01-20 12:50 am
He gave me a used iPad because he has 2, and now he wants it back. Should I give it back to him? He said if I don't He'll call the police. He also bought 2 great danes while we were together, and my teens have been the only ones taking care of them and he said he is taking them back too.. One of the dogs is blind & deaf and the other has mange. My teens have been bathing them and giving meds, picking up poop.. : ( after he said he would pay for their food if we ever broke up.

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