
2015-01-20 5:45 am
其實,由於本人是初次出來工作的人,所以對於強積金有少許問題,敬請大家幫忙解答!話說回來,小弟在2014年的8月份在公司工作,可惜公司(我上司)通知我今個月才幫我供款!因此,我有以下的疑問:1. 理論上公司要11月尾開始幫我供強積金嗎?2. 公司現在才幫我供強積金,積金局大概會甚麼時侯,才跟我的公司(僱主)追討罰款?3. 公司又要幫我交多少罰款呢?4. 我如何才能得知公司是否已經幫我交了罰款,又罰款會存在那裹呢?

回答 (2)

2015-01-20 11:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. No - the coverage should be backdate to August 2014.

2. Not until you file a complaint. MPFA has no enforcement against employers unless MPFA received a creditable source of violation (like a complaint).

3. It depends on the MPFA's determination. At the least, 5% of the actual missing contribution will be in your account.

4. You will be notified.

You don't have enough evidence for a complaint yet. Based on your information, you only mention that the company begin the coverage this month. However, you did not mention the exact amount of contribution. In this case, this amount is the key for the violation.

Without that, you don't have a complaint yet.

2015-01-20 21:33:43 補充:
Yes. You need to contact MPFA.
2015-01-20 6:48 am

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