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2015-01-18 3:47 am


事發於1月12日,我收到通知說我的影片被Tseries Music提出版權聲明。聲明說我的影片內含有屬於Tseries Music的音樂,我反複聆聽聲明中標示有音樂的時段7:45,但事實是根本沒有他們所標示的音樂。

其實,在我製作這影片的時候,我已經把遊戲的音樂聲量調至最小甚至全消音,就是為了避免有人向我的影片提出版權聲明。所以這次事件中提及的7:45是沒有音樂的,只有車的引擎聲。而他們所指出的音樂Bad Boys也從來沒有出現在我的影片中。再者,我從來沒有把他們的音樂加進我的影片,而他們所指的音樂Bad Boys 也不屬於遊戲的音樂一部份。


我決定上訴,表示他們提出的版權聲明是錯誤的,但他們沒有理會,反而再給我通知,堅持他們所提出的版權聲明是正確的。我也透過電郵及社交網站的信息聯絡Tseries Music,但他們視而不見。我在此表示強烈的不滿,Tseries Music身為印度最大的音樂公司,但竟然是非不分。我要求他們向我道歉,以及取消有關影片的版權聲明。

回答 (2)

2015-01-18 5:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Unreasonable claim of copyright
事發於1月12日,我收到通知說我的影片被Tseries Music提出版權聲明。聲明說我的影片內含有屬於Tseries Music的音樂,我反複聆聽聲明中標示有音樂的時段7:45,但事實是根本沒有他們所標示的音樂。
It happened on January 12th, when I received the claim of the copyright by the Tseries Music within certain music content of my film; owing to that I had been listening for several times' episode at 7:45 as the result, there was no indication of such music existence.
其實,在我製作這影片的時候,我已經把遊戲的音樂聲量調至最小甚至全消音,就是為了避免有人向我的影片提出版權聲明。所以這次事件中提及的7:45是沒有音樂的,只有車的引擎聲。而他們所指出的音樂Bad Boys也從來沒有出現在我的影片中。再者,我從來沒有把他們的音樂加進我的影片,而他們所指的音樂Bad Boys 也不屬於遊戲的音樂一部份。
As a matter of fact, I had reduced the volume of sound to the minimum while recording the music of playing the game so as to prevent from intervention of other's copyright. In such case, there would be no music existed but only the sound of vehicle's engine. As to their claim of Bad Boys' music which neither had appeared nor recorded as a portion of the game in my film.
According to the above facts, neither of their music nor the appearance were
found in my film. So, I feel that isn't acceptable at all.
我決定上訴,表示他們提出的版權聲明是錯誤的,但他們沒有理會,反而再給我通知,堅持他們所提出的版權聲明是正確的。我也透過電郵及社交網站的信息聯絡Tseries Music,但他們視而不見。我在此表示強烈的不滿,Tseries Music身為印度最大的音樂公司,但竟然是非不分。我要求他們向我道歉,以及取消有關影片的版權聲明。
Certainly I will appeal so as to indicate the misleading to declare their copyright referring to my film and they ignored my objection even informed me again in regards to own the copyright then. Although I had tried to contact them through email and social internet yet they even ignourd my messages;as the result, I hereby expressed my fierce disagreement. As Tseries Music being the largest music company in India, shouldn't consider things without right or wrong. In view of that, I would like to request them making an apology to me and also cancelling the declaration about the dispute of copyright.between us.
參考: Partly according to dictionary
2015-01-18 5:03 am
Rude and unreasonable copyright notice

Incident on January 12, I received a notice that my films have been proposed Tseries Music copyright notice. The statement said that in my part of Tseries Music videos containing music, I listen to a statement repeatedly labeled with the music of the period at 7:45, but the fact is there is no marked their music.

In fact, when I made this movie, I have to play the music or even the whole amount to the minimum noise, is to avoid someone told me the movie to a copyright claim. So this incident mentioned in 7:45 is no music, only the sound of the car's engine. And they point out that music Bad Boys has never appeared in my movie. Furthermore, I have never put their music added to my videos, but they are referring to music Bad Boys music does not belong to a part of the game.

I ask my videos never join their music, not to mention their music did not appear in my film, how to say my videos contain their music? I think this is totally unacceptable.

I decided to appeal, said the copyright statement they made was wrong, but they did not care, but give me a notice that they adhere to the proposed copyright statement is correct. I also contacted Tseries Music through email and social networking site information, but they turn a blind eye. I would like to express our strong dissatisfaction, Tseries Music as India's largest music company, but even right and wrong. I asked them to apologize to me, and to cancel the film's copyright notice.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 17:59:52
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