關於English tense 問題想問問

2015-01-17 8:26 pm
Tom 係2012年1月6日下午三點死亡,Mary 係2012年1月8日四點死亡,Sam, Tommy 及Candy 係2013年1月13日下午四點死亡。咁宜家我講"Tommy, Sam, Mary,
Candy and Tom have died." 有無問題。

回答 (3)

2015-01-17 10:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2015-01-27 6:12 pm
Tom died at 3 pm on Jan. 6, 2012
Mary died at 4 pm on Jan 8, 2012
Sam, Tommy and Candy died at 4 pm on Jan. 3, 2013

無言及specific date,
Tom, Mary, Sam, Tommy and Candy were all dead.

When we are talking about an action or an event, we use “die” (died-died-dying)
When we are talking about a state, we use “be dead” (dead ~ adjective)

“Tom has died---3pm Jan6, 2012
Mary has died---4pm Jan8,2012
Sam,Tommy,Candy have died---4pm Jan13, 2013:”
~ absolutely ridiculous!

How can one use present perfect tense when a specific time expression is clearly given in each case? “die” is a non-durative verb.
The only exception I can think of:
David has lived in Hong Kong since Jan. 6, 2012. (from 06/01/2012 till now)

兩種情形下我會用 Tom has died
1. Newspaper headline
Tom Smith has died.
Tom Smith died in a car crash last night. He was rushed to hospital and pronounced dead on arrival.

2.在醫院, 手術醫生搶救無效, 醫生從手術室出來說
Tom has died. He died as a result of two gunshot wounds.

意見者:龍中龍最近的comment: “[知識+] 是比道場=亦可作為一面照妖鏡”
我想問回答者 ”為什麼要回答?” 各人動機不同.
每個人有自由表達自己意見, 見解, 但當不同人批評自己, 是否應自我檢討?
但求搶奪分數, The end justifies the means. 但求目的. 不擇手段
有時侯還 complain 發問者只給 5 marks! 自欺欺人, 自我陶醉 .
對自己所寫, 不負責任, 無考慮教錯人後果, 越寫越錯. 初學者給他累死
Garlic2010 批評他是 language handicap,
Sneering at someone on the Internet ~ It becomes a national sport in Hong Kong. 現在我接受他的 harsh comment.
坦言, English forum 現主要靠 意I思A, ed-young, Dustin, Rocketman, Gary, Juliet, 知足常樂 把關 (原諒我提名), Thank you.
2015-01-18 5:46 am
The verb (dies, dying, died, died)
first group=Tom+Mary
second group=Sam,Tommy and Candy
eg:-Two groups have had a wide span of death scene of the death since.
Tom has died---3pm Jan6, 2012
Mary has died---4pm Jan8,2012
Sam,Tommy,Candy have died---4pm Jan13, 2013

(Jan6,2012--->Jan13,2013=1 yr 7 days period of time only)
The death must be completed within a specific time span for this 1 yr 7 days short attention span.

We use (for) when we refer to a period of time eg:-1 yr 7 days and (since) when we refer to a point of time in the past eg:-3pm Jan6, 2012 for Tom.

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