Does my older guy friend like me?

2015-01-16 5:32 am
Know this guy from my department in college. We have a significant age difference (I'm turning 23 this year, him 30, so 7 years difference). He's funny and nice, and we have a group of mutual friends. Recently we also discovered we have mutual interests, like djing, watching hockey, and a medley of others.

We've been friends for only a few months, but I've been getting this feeling he likes me.
He teased me in class last semester. He poked me in the ribs. He shares food with me. When we found out we both like to dj, he invited me to come over and play on his dj set up with him. He "like"s a lot of my Facebook posts, and sometimes we chat online about random things.

He also said something interesting that first got me thinking... When he told me he was inviting other people over to hang out with us when we dj, I asked when people are coming over. He said "5ish. And that's mainly a girl I'm interested in". Him and I agreed to meet at 5, and I was the only girl at his house that night.

What do you guys think? Thanks in advance!

回答 (3)

2015-01-16 5:33 am
He might and btw - he's not "significantly older" than you. You are in the same age group. Significantly older would be 45.
2015-01-16 5:36 am
I think he has just given you a massive hint. The fact that he told you he was inviting a girl that he was interested in as part of the five and that you were the only girl there suggests that he does like you. Also, the fact that he is so affectionate and you both get on really well are other hints as to how he feels about you. I would be sure to give him some hints that you like him back to keep him encouraged.
參考: Has he ever flirted with you? Have you given him any hints as to how you feel about him?
2015-01-16 5:45 am
7 years is not significant ---- its pretty average ---- maybe he does like you ---- he is not doing anything about it though ---- he is not talking to you ---- liking FB and sometimes chatting is not showing interest not really ---- if he was talking to you every day and asking you out as often as possible would say he likes you in a romantic way ----- why not ask him out???? see what happens
2015-01-16 5:39 am
Sounds like he does. I say ask him out. But 7 years isn't that bad at all. I'm 39 and I'm head over heels for my best friend Erica who is 29. It almost happened, I was so damned close, but she already has a bf. My parents were 12 years apart. It seems you like him to so go for it. Yolo and all
2015-01-16 5:35 am
Yeah, he probably digs you.

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