How was your Birth Pain experience?

2015-01-15 10:35 pm
My wife is due to give birth in the next two few weeks and she's worried about how painful is it to give birth.

I am thinking, it's not that bad, but for her, she's too nervous as it is.

So, mothers, tell me what's the close thing that can match to birth pain so I can understand how it feels like.

Is there something that can help to reduce pain.

Thanks for all your kind comments. I am not going to be with my wife, she's live abroad so unfortunately I am unable to make it to her since I cannot get a time off from work and have nobody to look after my patients. Does anyone know the name of the medication which can support with the pain. Thanks a lot.

回答 (7)

2015-01-15 10:52 pm
Has your wife not taken a childbirth class? Read any books? There is really no excuse for being so nervous. If she's due in 2 weeks it's really too late for a class, but she can still read some good books on labor and what to expect.

Labor hurts. How much it hurts depends on a million different factors, and it's not something that can be explained or quantified.

EDIT:Again, your wife needs to do some reading. The books will explain her options for medication. She doesn't need to know the name of a specific drug to ask for. (I'm also, frankly, amazed that even as a man you seem to know so little about pregnancy and labor and haven't bothered to educate yourself.
2015-01-15 10:45 pm
It depends. When I had my first baby, the pain was bad, but no worse than a bad toothache. I felt smug, thinking all those complaining women were wusses. Then a couple years later I had my second child. I was literally clawing at the walls trying to get out of the torment of the labor pains. There is nothing to compare it to. Take the worse pain you've ever felt and magnify it 50 times. Believe me, it's not just nerves. Yes, there is medicine for it, but they won't give it too early because it could hurt the baby. When I finally asked for it I was told it was too late! My mom had 7 kids and she always said she was scared the first time because she didn't know what's going to happen, and she was scared the other times because she did know what was going to happen. So give your wife some sympathy--her fears are real. Talk to her doctor about what meds she can get.
2015-01-15 10:57 pm
It is the worst feeling in the world. It hurts. REALLY bad. Some people say it's not that bad and others say it's horrible. Mine was horrible. Tell her there is no sense in worrying about something that is inevitable. It will hurt at the time and for a while afterwards but the pain won't last forever and she will recover and the pain will just be a memory. Meds can help if she really needs them.
2015-01-16 4:50 pm
I have had four natural births. The pain was a dull ache; similar to what you get if you hold your mouth open very wide for a long time. It was a moderate pain, worse than most hunger pains, but not as bad as a rough period. I used the Bradley method and practiced daily for over two months so I never got uterine cramps and did not have as much pain. It felt nothing at all like cramps, it was not sharp at all. Look for the book, Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way. I have had lots of things that hurt worse than labor.
2015-01-16 1:53 am
It hurts like hell, I'm not gonna lie. (I'm not a mum, but my best friend was telling me about her labor the other day) You can always get an epidural if the pain is really so bad. Most people deal with it just fine though because they are so looking forward to soon having a child. I honestly don't recommend a c-section because it is 1000 times worse after the labor. :( Congrats on the baby though! Just focus on the fact that you will soon be a father, and your wife a mother! Good luck guys, and I wish you a safe and easy delivery!
2015-01-16 1:00 am
For a man it is hard for me to explain, but I guess try to imagine really, really bad gas cramps (if you've ever had any that make you double over in pain). Contractions are worse than that, and they keep on coming and coming and coming. Or imagine the pain after being punched in the gut repeatedly, that's pretty bad too. Good luck and don't ever tell her, that it's not that bad, support her because after all you did this to her ;). LOL Birth is beautiful.
2015-01-15 10:38 pm
I didn't feel the actual birth. Med is great. Lol. Labor hurt. Mainly at the end.

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