Disabled Parking ? UK???? HELP.?

2015-01-15 10:07 pm
My next-door neighbor has a Disabled Parking space in-front of their house.

The reason for having a disabled parking was that his wife is needs help with walking, however, his wife walks fine independently unaided.

Here's the problem,

In their house-hold there are two cars so what he does is, he parks his car on the road and allow their daughter in law to park the car on their disabled parking.

Is this breaking the rules? He's sort of abusing the disabled parking rule, he leave's that space for their second car while he parks his car on the main road.

Any help will be great.

Thanks for your kind information. I never seen either cars display blue-badges. However, I taught that the disabled bay is only for them to use since it's on the road by their house. The wife, she's never be in the car, she's spend all her time in the house while the husband goes out and about anytime. The husband leave that bay empty so his daughter in law can park there while he park on the road too! Who do i compaint too as they are abusing the system,

回答 (2)

2015-01-15 11:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If his daughter in law does not have a Blue Badge {UK} or a authorised disabled sticker she is not allowed to park on a disabled bay. If you neighbours wife no longer has a disabled badge she cannot park on that disabled place. If the husband has a separate car, not used by his wife he can not park on that disabled space. Any car parked in that space should be displaying a legitimate disabled badge.
If you think the wife is abusing a disabled badge i.e she has obtained one under false pretences or her condition has improved since she obtained it you can report you doubts to the badge issuing section of you local county council (find it on Google)

That is what you CAN do but end of day they are still your neighbours and you must live alongside them day in day out.
The final thing to remember is the road outside a property does note belong to the resident and any road legal car can park there if no restrictions apply so long as they are not causing an obstruction to traffic flow.
2015-01-15 10:54 pm
There are many reasons to issue a disabled parking permit, and the disability isn't always visible.

To park in a disabled space, a disability permit must be displayed. As long as that's displayed, either car can use the space. Unless otherwise specified by a sign and writing on the space, it's not solely their space, either. Any disabled permit holder can park there, so"place-holding" is commonplace and perhaps understandable.

The only grounds for complaint are if the vehicle displaying the disabled badge is not being used to carry the disabled person. Unless the disabled person no longer lives at that address, or unless that person is staying elsewhere (such as when on holiday or as a hospital in-patient) proving misuse of the badge is very difficult.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:13:51
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