How much would security contractors who are ex special forces roughly earn?

2015-01-15 6:44 pm
If I joined the Royal Marines and then went on to join the SAS or SBS how much would would I roughly be looking at making?Would it depend on what country I took work in and how long do most contracts last? Sorry if this question seems a bit naive or stupid. I don't know very much about the security industry at the moment

回答 (4)

2015-01-15 9:00 pm
If you join the Military and serve your 22 years then there may not even be anywhere paying good money by that time, who knows.

If you're thinking about money when you leave then the ex REME/RE guys are the ones who are making the big bucks out there not ex Bootnecks
2015-01-15 7:48 pm
It depends on what the contractor you are working for pays based on past experience and current contract.

There is no across-the-board standard pay. Does a burger flipper at McDonalds make the same as one at your local pub? Hell no - the pay is based on your experience, specific position in the kitchen and business intake.
2015-01-15 6:51 pm
$80,000 a year

there are very few people making the $1,000 per day

contracts are for 6 weeks to 12 weeks at a time
2015-01-15 6:49 pm
$20k to $500k. It all depends. You'd have a more certain future if you went into logistics, supply, or data processing in the military.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:12:46
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