My friend just tried to kill himself.?

2015-01-15 6:12 pm
Literally an hour ago my friend just tried to kill himself. I can't help him in anyway, we don't even live in the same state. I can't convince him to get therapy because he thinks it's an utter waste of time. I don't know what to do.

回答 (3)

2015-01-15 6:19 pm
hi im so sorry to hear that ive suffered with deppression and ive been extremly suicidal so im going to try and help
ask him why why he did it if he feels alone or no one likes him or if he gets bullied say well it doesnt matter what people think and if they are making you feel like this they dont care so you shouldnt care because you will only be doing them a favor
show him motivating music for me My Chemical Romance-Famous Last Words helped me alot also the i dont care part in Jesus Of Surburbia by Greenday also tell him alll the amazing things he wouldnt be able to do if he dies tell him how musch you will miss him love him as much as you can
i hoped this helped
music helps, alot
參考: my own suffering
2015-01-15 7:16 pm
call his parents - they can get him into a 72 hr suicide psych hold for starters
2015-01-15 6:35 pm
Prayer to God for your friend, and attending Church services in his name!

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:13:13
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