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英文作文270字 :
唉, 好心自己作啦~~~
哪, 大鋼在此~~
How to improve English 20 marks:-
----First I am not interested in English at all in primary school; but in DSE secondary it is starting to devour by hatred and jealousy to possess me completely ; taken up my attention whether I find it boring and hard in the past. I think you would think the same!
-----I would advice you to take the initiative (=decision) to learn and get close to it (=English)
-----Learn for yourself in persistence (n)/persistently (adv)/continuingly(adverb):-
-----(A) Go and get at the bookstore some supplementary exercises. Take the initiative to ask the shopkeeper !---------------------------(writing)
-----(B) Go and get at the school library some elementary Oxford Readers !---------------------------------------------------------------------------(reading)
-----(C)Sometimes you can watch English language TV !--------------(listening)
-----(D) Interacting (=effect on each other) more with "foreign devils"----------------------------------------------------------