
2015-01-16 1:12 am
How to improve my English?? 英文作文270字..

聽日交, 真係好急~~


回答 (2)

2015-01-16 1:23 am
✔ 最佳答案

英文作文270字 :

唉, 好心自己作啦~~~

哪, 大鋼在此~~

How to improve English 20 marks:-
----First I am not interested in English at all in primary school; but in DSE secondary it is starting to devour by hatred and jealousy to possess me completely ; taken up my attention whether I find it boring and hard in the past. I think you would think the same!
-----I would advice you to take the initiative (=decision) to learn and get close to it (=English)
-----Learn for yourself in persistence (n)/persistently (adv)/continuingly(adverb):-
-----(A) Go and get at the bookstore some supplementary exercises. Take the initiative to ask the shopkeeper !---------------------------(writing)
-----(B) Go and get at the school library some elementary Oxford Readers !---------------------------------------------------------------------------(reading)
-----(C)Sometimes you can watch English language TV !--------------(listening)
-----(D) Interacting (=effect on each other) more with "foreign devils"----------------------------------------------------------



2015-01-16 4:04 am
Stress and study skill
Sabrina: Hey Eva, why are you looked so depress? Is there any problem I can help you?
Eva: Um…. I don’t know why I have too much homework to do every day. I always feel tired and don’t have enough sleep! I always go to bed at 1 o’clock at night! And also my parents….. They didn’t understand me. I know them expect a lot on me, so that’s why I revision every day till mid night.

Sabrina: Oh my god! How can you do that?! If you sleep that late, you will definitely feel exhausted. You should take a break after you have revised of some times, like around 30 minutes. And you should tell your problem to your parents, let them know your difficulties. Discuses the problem with them and found out the solution for your problem.
Eva: Is that really works?
Sabrina: If the problem still continues, you can tell our teachers or somebody that you can rely on. I am sure that they can help you.

Eva: Okay, Sabrina, I know that you are studying chemistry and geography. These two subjects are both in English, what method do you use to remember so many vocabs and study it with English?
Sabrina: Usually, I will make a note book for myself and collect the vocabs that I don’t’ know. I will try to remember them in a ‘great time’.
Eva: What do you mean of ‘great time’?
Sabrina: Haha, that’s mean the time before we sleep. I do think it is a great time for us to remember things. After you revise it, the vocabs will follow with you all the night even in your dream.
Eva: Oh really? So let me try it tonight. As you said, you have got a note book for your chemistry and geography vocabs. I also have an English note book to jot down some good English expression and sentences patent. It really helps!
參考: me

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