
2015-01-15 3:54 am
Q1 美容師,化妝師,攝影師,相片編輯,天文台職員有冇話一定要修咩科?
Q2 經濟同企財邊科易讀d?(個人本身數學唔算叻)
Q3 歷史同中史邊科易讀d?(個人本身對歷史不太感興趣)



回答 (4)

2015-01-15 4:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
我今年中五 我俢生物同經濟同地理
只要你DSE考得好 到時大學再選同工作有關的科目都未遲。而家的選科對將來工作影響視符你簡5簡你有信心攞高分的一科 good luck VA畫畫一定要超靚 令外亦要記畫家既歷史

2015-01-14 21:02:46 補充:
仲有如果你覺得讀中文物理好D 就讀拉。因為英文同中文系無分別
5會因你讀英文話你勁D。 如果你想知多D 可以留whatapp 慢慢講比你聽

2015-01-14 21:04:23 補充:
仲有如果你覺得讀中文物理好D 就讀拉。因為英文同中文系無分別
5會因你讀英文話你勁D。 如果你想知多D 可以留whatapp 慢慢講比你聽
2015-01-15 9:27 pm
Q1....基本上...出去讀下課程且DSE 既中英合格OR以上就有足夠資格
Q2 ... 企財基本上都係背式要計數都係加減乘除...而經濟則比較概念
Q3 ...這個我真的不知道啦-.-....其實比我選擇一定中史-.-...歷史姐係包括外國的那些
2015-01-15 8:38 am
I am a Secondary 5 student. Hope you won't mind to read my answer in English.

There are no special requirements for JUPAS Degrees in Art- related subject. Actually, if you want to be a photographer/ make-up professional etc. I strongly suggest you to take related courses in these field in the future rather than degrees offered by the mainstream universities. Therefore, you are free to choose any subjects you like.

However, if you aspire to be a staff of the Observatory, taking Physics and Geography is a must to strengthen your basic- knowledge. A strong knowledge background in Astronomical Physics/ Astronomy or Geography at the Bachelor level is also necessary. Therefore, I suggest you to take Physics and Geography, which will certainly help you to path a good future.

If you dislike Business or Art- related subjects, then please don't choose it. Interest is a crucial factor in choosing your electives, and you should study something that you LIKE rather than choosing a subject that seems to be easier.

For Q2, there are people saying that Economics is a subject that can be easily understand, also, the knowledge in Economics are widely useful and applicable. While some of my friends can easily get a 5** in internal- school exams for BAFS as You ocan easily get a high grade by doing a lot papers and calculation.

For Q3, both subjects require good skills in memorizing information and analyse, Chinese History focuses on how the history of China (Especially Modern China) affects the future of China. Chinese History is more politics-related.

History focuses more on the historical past and the "stories", while there are lot of things to be memorized for the DSE exam.

If your school teaches History in Chinese, I don't think it will be a good choice. As the History Syllabus covers a lot about Chinese, Japanese and Asian History.

Sorry for any grammar mistake and the use of English. I sincerely wish that my answers are helpful to you.

Good luck!
2015-01-15 5:57 am


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