Help me!英文!

2015-01-14 9:51 pm
求各位英文高手幫忙看看我的英文 Grammar 及寫法對不對.
Here are my messages.

Dad, I promise you I will study hard and do my best in academic.
I will be a busy person again after the semester begin next Monday.
I have class every day from afternoon till night.
I really want to find a job around campus, unfortunately I can't find it in the campus because I don't have any Financial Aid.
You know?
I want to get some working experience, I don't care the money that I earn.
I have a pocket money in order to go to Korea alone in 2021.
My parents cut off all of my credit card because I spood too many money in travel.
I will be a poor girl now on.

Here are my messages in Chinese
爸爸,我答應你,我會努力學習和做到最好在學業。 我將是一個忙碌的在下週一。 我每天從下午忙到晚都有課。
你知道嗎? 我真的想獲得一些工作經驗,我不在乎錢。

我的父母切斷了所有我的信用卡,因為我在花了太多的錢。 我將現在一個貧窮的女孩。
除了三張 credit limit 有五千美元的信用卡外,其他所有的信用卡都切斷了。


回答 (4)

2015-01-15 6:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
盡量跟隨你的原意, 嘗試修改, 用簡單的英文, 因為是寫給爸爸

Dad, I promise you that I will study hard and do my best in my studies. I will be busy again when the semester begins next Monday. Classes are held from afternoon to evening every day.
I really want to find a job on campus. Unfortunately jobs on campus are only available for students receiving financial aid. I don’t qualify for that.
You know, it is important for me to get some working experience without caring how much I get paid.
I like to save some pocket money for my trip to Korea alone in 2021.


My parents cancelled all my credit cards because I have overspent on travels.
I am a poor girl from now on.

Besides three credit cards with US $5000 credit limit that are still in use, all my other credit cards have been cancelled.

academically (adverb) = 學術上;理論上; studies (noun) = 學業
overspend (verb) = 花費過多

financial aid = (美)助學金﹐助學貸款
是要自己申請, 單是靠助學金, 是不夠開支,
所以有做校園工作幫補, 不是大學 assign 你, 要你自己申請
例如 canteen, library, bookstore etc.
2016-05-07 9:40 am
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2015-01-15 2:39 am
雖然你寫得出基本的英文句子,但是編寫內容和和某些時態字詞的用法仍不是"英文",而應該是中文想像出來的英文。例如a busy person...上半段你好像是寫給Dad,但下半段又說my parents cut off the credit cards是向第三者訴苦咁,寫文章或句子要對自己清楚在說甚麼之外還要注要為甚麼這樣寫。

Dad,You’ve cut off all my credit cards because I had spent too much money on travelling. But I still got three credit cards with $5000 limits. But still I have no money to pay for the credit. So I promise you I will study hard and do my best academically. I have scheduled classes from afternoon till nighttime beginning next Monday when the semester starts.I want to get some work experience as well regardless of the pay, but I can’t find jobs on campus because student jobs are assigned through financial aid. I still need to save some money in order to go to Korea alone in 2021. I may have to first become poor to apply for financial aid to get a job to earn some pocket money for the trip.
2015-01-15 12:42 am
你的英文 Grammar 及寫法十分對!(好勁!)

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