Data Formats for Barcode?

2015-01-14 6:42 am
We are manufacturing cosmetics. In the box we need to put Barcode. Can anyone suggest me the followings -
a) How to capture product name, Batch no, Date of manufacture and price in one barcode ?
b) Which software to be used ?
c) Any site that gives all these details

回答 (1)

2015-01-14 6:34 pm
Barcodes carry only numerical data (the exact digits printed below the bars).

The first half is a manufacturer code;
the second half is the "catalog number" of the product.

There is no provision to encode a price.

All of the other info is programmed as read-only data in a computerized system.

You will need to register your company with an appropriate agency
to get your unique manufacturer ID,
then enter that into your barcode printing program.

Google "barcode registration".

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:47:34
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