澳洲 working holiday,錢銀上賺與蝕

2015-01-14 12:28 am


回答 (4)

2015-01-14 7:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案

of course YES.!!

2015-01-18 12:30 am
The answer is no.

1. You will experience underemployment (Even you want to work, it does not mean the employer have work hours for you).

2. You are there for vacation (which you will have time only spending money without earning any).

3. You have your initial start-up cost (like air tickets).

The only way you can have money to come home is working full-time. Although it is not illegal, it voids the purpose of working holiday.
2015-01-15 4:29 am
在澳紐Working Holiday 打工,一般都是時薪計。例如A$15 per hour,你做4個小時就係收A$60 (要扣稅)。做售貨員/收銀員,僱主多數沒有膳食供應,做侍應,起碼有一餐食(慳番一餐開銷)。我亦見有年青人在餐廳做上下兩更侍應,十分博殺。而農場工則會供應住宿,因位置多偏遠,冇機會外出消費。其實能否賺到錢或剩到錢都關乎個人生活方式。
2015-01-14 2:12 am

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