original wooden Ouija board ?

2015-01-13 6:00 am
Ok... So this MAY get really creepy.. I need to know from anyone educated about this subject what exactly would happen if I fire were to start back in the 1960s in a bedroom BC of heated blanket a metal bed melting but a wooden oujia board left untouched ?... This happened. Its real and a family story. aloy of ppl would tell u about the aura u get walking up to the house its extremly heavvvvvvy byt when.ur there in the house its feels likes its hidden its weird. So basically the wooden oujia board my grandmoyher found as a kid in her attic that her parents bought in 1924 .. So who knows how old it was... It was under her record player while fire by the crazy world of auther brown.was playing... She only new the fire had started BC her recorded had skipped on the word FIRE and was annoying her so she went to it and found a room of flames destroyed and the wooden voard untouched... Everything burned even the metal bed.. Would spirits have been released ? If she got rid of the board would it have came back? PLEASE. I beed answers I want to know why my great grandfather had it in the first place. That long ago. FOR WHAT. Please any education about original oujias will b greatly appreciated. Thank you.

回答 (3)

2015-01-14 1:22 pm
The use of an Ouija board can often just be a random diversion in which nothing happens. But sometimes it can open up the door to the demonic. This is since in using the board you actually call upon a spirit to converse with you. The spirit could claim to be an angel, a deceased relative or the like, but do not be fooled. What the Ouija board connects you with (if anything) is a demon.

One person on Yahoo Answers wrote, “After I played that Ouija ,I never wanted to do it again...I remember asking it when I was going to die and it said "56"...and I asked it how I was going to die and it said "sick".. Of course I wasn't moving the thing, and my friend said she wasn't moving it....It scared me shitless to be honest.. I just hope what it said isn't true…

Another said, “My sister received one for her birthday and used it regularly. We then noticed a pattern that every time she or I used it we wear hurt pretty bad, not broken bones, but serious cuts. After finally deciding to get rid of it, and throwing it in the trash I told it to ‘burn in hell’ later that day I had to go to the emergency room with 1st, 2nd, & 3rd degree burns to my face from a gasoline accident.”

And another on Yahoo Answers wrote, “Once my aunt and grandpa were playing with one and it said they would die on a bridge close to my aunt's house. Another time when my youngest uncle was in fifth grade the teacher brought an Ouija board out. He played with it and when he got home his mom told him to ask it if it believes in Jesus Christ as the Savior. He did and the spinny thing flew off the table and they never saw it again.”

Someone else wrote, “I played with an online Ouija Board for about 2 minutes about a month ago. I communicated with something that made me feel so uncomfortable I had to leave the Ouija Board in an instant. Since then my computer has been broken. One second my computer was working then it started turning on and off by itself, then stopped all of the sudden. I also woke up with and unexplained bruise on my right hip this morning that doesn't hurt. I was so shocked when I saw it and I didn't know where it came from. Ever since then things have gotten real strange. I feel like I'm always being followed. Everywhere I go I don't feel like I'm alone, and it makes me feel very uneasy. I hear noises that really don't make any sense. Random bumps, footsteps, knocks, and quiet voices are heard. I feel as if someone touches me all the sudden, and my body feels as if something else is controlling it at times. Things are moved around unknowingly. Things will disappear and then reappear, or weird items are often found in weird locations. All of this has made me feel extremely paranoid, anxious, and scared. Also, my stomach has been consistently aching on and off, and my hunger level is significantly lower. Night time is the worst for the activity and iI experience some indescribable sensations, sounds, and overall it's just terrifying.. Also dogs seem to be hostile and bark and act very territorial as of late. I 'be never experienced anything like this,”

Someone else shared, “A good friend of mine was tormented by a spirit her brother had let loose with this. It even followed her to college. Do not use it. The stronger spirits will come through and they are usually the bad ones.”

You can do your own search on Yahoo Answers for “Ouija beard experiences” and the like and you will see the stories are never good.

The only real way to be freed from oppression from the Ouija board is through Jesus Christ. Only in him and through him is there victory over demonic spirits. Those that have experienced the forces of darkness and see that the spiritual realm is very real need to now turn to the good to obtain freedom. Have a look at the links below (mostly videos) and see what you think.

Deliverance from Ouija & Occult http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJ8utR14uG4
Ouija Board story http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDJZGRoJTN0
Ouija board leads to demonic bondage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvDeysgjOe8
Getting out of occult story http://www.youtube.com/user/Spiritlessons?v=qBVP3mkPa4s
Freedom from demonic powers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxluTwayoTo
Mel Bond – Hell and Demons http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0d2fVm4WYo
Seeing the spirit world http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6je44kzcCgc
Hell & Demons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHTU9oe9s7k
2015-01-14 12:52 am
Back in the day, occultism was and is increasing through the years. Further back were some breakthroughs intensely, so as to be written down, while the rest, that shouldn`t have been written, was destroyed, or never came to fruition. The board may be of a result of some crisis in spirituality, or confrontation from an experience of the occult. I think that, the older that these things are permitted to be, and with use, the worse of an annoyance it could become.
2015-01-13 9:59 am
My research revealed the following suggestions for using a board (numbers in parenthesis refer to resources listed at the end of this article):

Place board between users so all have easy reach for the planchette (3, 8)
Places fingers lightly on planchette (3)
Invite a spirit to join and ask for a willing spirit in order to keep out the negative (3)
Ask a question—only one at a time (3, 6, 8)
Have a third person to act as a scribe or use a tape recorder so you can be clear on the messages coming through (7, 8)
Always say goodbye and make sure the spirit does, so it doesn’t linger after the session is done (7)

In addition to these basic steps, I found numerous suggestions on safety and care:
Be serious and respectful (6, 8)
Clean and keep the board free of dust with a soft, dry cloth (6)
Use a slow circle around the board to get the planchette to move (8)
Smudge the board with sage to purify and a white candle for protection (8)
Use in a protective circle (7)
Use a silver coin or wear silver jewelry to protect from harm (7)
Say a prayer before using to keep away negative spirits (8)
Use common sense with regard to the message you receive; if you are uncomfortable with the message, ask the messenger to leave (7, 8)
Use at night (8)
Use a wood board (9)

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