sensitive nipples ? sore?

2015-01-13 5:18 am
Okay.. So im a 19 yr old girl. Ive been getting my period since I was 14. today is the 12th and if im not pregnant (just tested said no on two of them!) I should get my period anywhere from now to the 15th. My boobs get thick and more firm but tender and sore just right b4 my period. Never sore nipples.. I cant remember a time that my nipples felt so sensitive like they do now ? Im very confused. I read online sore nipples can mean pregnancy period and wrong size bra BUT My test said negative.. My nipples have NEVER felt this way before and I just bought some new firm fitting to my size bras! Ive bren wearing them.about two months.. So I know it cant b that?

HAS THIS HAPPENED TO ANY OF YOU? could the test have said negative and I could still b pregnant why do my nipples HURT;(

回答 (1)

2015-01-13 6:03 am
You may be in the early stages of pregnancy and the test (depending on the brand) can't tell yet.
But if not it is probably nothing to worry about it could just be your period
參考: Doctor

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:58:42
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