中翻英, 已自己嘗試翻譯

2015-01-12 6:57 pm
我每個月初我都會寄兩份xx reports給你們,但自6/20/2014後一直沿用的格式我們基本已沒有維護,故此若果新格式你們同為適用,日後我們將只會寄新格式給你們。故此希望各位能查閱我較早前寄出的新格式報告,好讓我知道對你們是否適用。

[註:電郵會附上相關reports (excel file)

After 6/20/2014, the original xx reports have not been being maintained, hence we intend to only send you the reports with new format afterwards.
Please review the xx reports with new format (as attachments) if they are applicable for your working.

Thank you.


回答 (4)

2015-01-12 9:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1) Format用in, 不用with.2) 自從6/20/2014後就沒有如何如何,應該是說 the old format has not been maintained since 6/20/2014,而不是用after 6/20/2014。其次,也沒有have not been being maintained 這樣用法。但是如果6/20是在未來發生,你就可以用After 6/20/2014 the old format will be suspended.3) 附件的新格式,可以說 please review (or check on 也可以) the attached new format或 please review the new format attached (或as attached). 4) 合不合用,可以說 if it fits you或者說if it is applicable to you. 我翻的你參考看看

I usually send 2 copies of xxx reports to you in the beginning of every month; however, since 6/20/2014 we have stopped maintaining the old format which had been used before the afore-mentioned date. If the new format fits you, we will send the report in the new format afterwards. We hope that you would check on the reports in the new format that I sent to you earlier so that we can understand if the new format fits you or not.
2015-01-12 9:51 pm
The original xx reports have not been maintained since 6/20/2014. If the revised format is available, we will send it to you only. Therefore, Please review the xx reports with revised format (as attachments) if they do work.

Thanks for your cooperation.
2015-01-12 8:48 pm
After 6/20/2014, because of no well-maintained original xx reports before, we will send you new-formated reports afterwards.
Please review new-formated reports as attached and reply if applicable for your working.
Thank you. 這樣就可完全表達有用的句意了
2015-01-12 8:10 pm

您的英文其實不錯,傳達意思沒有問題。就邏輯有個小建議。「若你們適用…我們會…」,這句是說,先決條件是如果對方同意,你才會這麼做。但對方若不同意呢?原格式已經不再維護,看來你應該不能(或很難)提供他原格式了。所以語氣要比 if… 更堅定些 (其實we intend to也不錯),應該是「我以後會這麼做,但您若有困難或意見請告知」。既然暫不提供別的選項,應提供溝通管道和誠意。 試譯: This is an important notice regarding thetwo documents, xx reports, that we send you at the beginning of each month. Since 6/20/2014,the formats of the reports have changed. Our system no longer uses the old formats. Please review the reports with the new format(attached). If you have questions pleaselet me know. 註:
- you are received… 那個變被動式了不對。可以寫 You receive documents from us every month. 或如上文。
- 疑有網頁問題,英文字間隔可能於貼上網時變動,字和字黏在一起。請見諒。

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