Relapse of eating disorder...? help...?

2015-01-11 7:21 pm
hi..:) i am 168cm tall. girl. age 17. im from hong kong so my english is not good... i hope you guys can understand what i say i really need your help...!
i was once anorexic, but then i decided to recover.I (think) have already went through the 'eating a lot during recovery', as i stopped having super strong cravings all the time.
Recently i ate loads again. and by loads i mean massive amounts that you couldnt imagine!
today, i think i had over 5000 calories. i had a huge breakfast today(approx. 1200 already i guess) then i had a craving of chocolate snacks so i had chocoboy. then i feel like i want more crispy stuff so i had another 3 packs of crackers. The cravings continued. To moisten my cavity i had an orange, then more crackers, and then soymilk.
After that i felt so full, decided not to have anything anymore at 4:30pm. yea i didnt have anything, until 9 when i went downstairs for a walk.i went to the market, and snacked on: 3 packs of POCKY sticks, and a bread. i continued until i get physically uncomfortable when my tummy has reached its max expansion.
During the binge, i felt miserable, thinking "oh i have already been not good so why not continue? screw it! ill just binge now so tmr will be a restriction day" after the binge was a very long guilt. I dont know how to purge so i wanted just to kill myself.
The guilt restricted me from things that i have to do.i really wanna be a normal person eating normally... can anyone help me..?

回答 (2)

2015-01-11 7:50 pm
I just relapsed to :(
2015-01-11 7:29 pm
What you need to do is get yourself into a regular, healthy eating pattern, consisting of 3 main meals and 3 snacks each day. Do not deny yourself any type of food- have what you fancy, just eat in moderation. You also want to make sure you get some exercise.
If you still find you are struggling, it is worth seeing your doctor and possibly a dietician and psychologist.
Good Luck

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