Italian Witchcraft....Do Italian's practice wicca?Witchcraft? Or Strega?

2015-01-11 1:02 pm
Is there particular parts of Italy where they practice their own form of witchcraft?

回答 (4)

2015-01-11 5:56 pm
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Strega simply means 'witch'. There are different types of Witchcraft.

Traditional Italian Witchcraft/folk magic is more often rooted in Catholicism and taught through the family line. It has little association with the Pagan revival.

Wicca is a specific religion-- a Pagan religion; while anyone (Italian or not) can be Wiccan, and I'm sure there are Wiccans in Italy, Wicca is a modern Pagan religion.

Stregheria, although it claims to be 'authentic', is also a fairly modern Pagan version of Witchcraft. It draws more from modern or reconstructionist Roman/Etruscan Paganism... but regardless of its influences, it actually started with the Pagan revival.
2015-01-12 10:39 am
Every culture has their witches. It doesn`t mean they're all wiccan, though it varies for the most part, what things seem to signify as, in the regions.
2015-01-11 6:36 pm
Nobody does here.
2015-01-11 1:04 pm
The African newcomers do

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