YouTube 拍DSE片的版權問題

2015-01-12 6:16 am
其實網上見到有好多人拍 DSE MC 點做

回答 (2)

2015-01-12 1:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes - you are correct.

Since HKDSE is a "product" by HKEAA, HKEAA has the ownership of the copyright.

Any unauthorized duplication can be prosecuted, both criminally and civilly.

(Many people doing it does not mean it is legal.)

2015-01-12 14:52:04 補充:
Not in Hong Kong.

If it is copyright-free for education, why does HKEAA need you to pay for the past papers?
2015-01-12 9:37 pm

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