想問Gary 兄及其他高手們關於外國升學既英文考試問題

2015-01-11 7:02 pm
大家好!小弟有位朋友想到外國升讀研究院,不過佢以前會考及A - Level 英文考得唔係幾好,所以想考 IELTS 或 TOEFL以滿足外國院校既英文要求。不過,佢唔清楚既係應該考其中一個試就夠,定係應該考晒兩個﹖

希望Gary兄或其他有識之士可解答此問題,但小弟不歡迎抄貼快剪黨貼上大堆與此問題無關既IELTS 或 TOEFL資料,在此先多謝大家的熱心回應!

回答 (2)

2015-01-12 1:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
It depends on which overseas country(ies) that your friend chooses.

For all Commonwealth countries except Canada (U.K., Australia, etc.), IELTS is preferred.

For the rest of countries, TOEFL is preferred.

Please note - due to long history of TOEFL (and the easy scheduling), there are more institutions accepting TOEFL rather than IELTS.

So my recommendation is unless your friend has decided for Commonwealth countries only, always take TOEFL.

A quick note - as he/she has graduated with a Bachelor's Degree, it does not matter what your friend's HKCEE/HKALE results are. A language test will be required regardless (even in Hong Kong).
2015-01-11 11:42 pm

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