Tell me something about VIRGO Sun LEO Rising ARIES Moon?

2015-01-11 2:37 am
I have a friend who has this arrangement and she is talkative to a point that as a Libra myself, I can't talk even that much and that's strange cause I thought Virgos are shy? Despite this I think this is only bounded to her own friends, cause she is shy in front of the public and scared in haunted houses whereas I'll do the comforter's role XD

And she always tends to talk abt herself, which this case has become more apparent recently and when no one's listening to her, she asks for her "audience" to come back lol

Is it because her rising sign is Leo, so she likes to show off with expensive stuff and has a pretty (over-)dramatic interpretation? I don't even think she has enough patience to listen to the others, unlike another Virgo friend of mine.

One more point, after she has finished what she has to say, she'll just leave us alone although before abandoning us, she has already changed so many topics (which is about her or gossips).

1. Is she easily bored?
2. How is her attitude on relationships?
3. What kind of ppl does she find attractive?

:/ Please help thx

回答 (2)

2015-01-11 6:31 am
Lol too cute
2015-01-11 6:10 am
She's not a shy Virgo because her Aries Moon is stronger than her Virgo sun. She might act more like her Moon and Sun. That's all I know.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 17:53:08
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