80s rock or 90s rock?

2015-01-10 9:35 am

回答 (9)

2015-01-12 2:38 am
Grew up in the 80s,so I would have to say the 80s.
2015-01-12 1:25 am
uuu that's pretty hard.

i'm gonna have to say 90s, but there's not a huge difference in appreciation.
2015-01-10 6:13 pm
I love 90's rock music personally. 'Everlong' by the Foo Fighters is a perfect song.
2015-01-10 3:49 pm
2015-01-10 3:18 pm
1980s for me my childhood music
2015-01-10 12:15 pm
80's. The best music during the 90's was alternative.
2015-01-10 11:31 am
80s rock
2015-01-10 11:26 am
80s rock. There was not a thing that sucked about '80s rock whereas late '90s mainstream rock bands tainted the decade!
2015-01-10 10:05 am
70s rock!

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