meaning of the word

2015-01-11 12:08 am
What is the meaning of drop by the wayside?
要例句 Thanks

回答 (2)

2015-01-11 12:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
The meaning is半途而廢, 中途停止

We must care for the weak who would otherwise fall by the wayside . 我們要關心那些弱者, 不然他們會因失敗而放棄努力的。 I hope I can help you!!
參考: internet
2015-01-11 4:31 am
drop by the wayside
to fail to keep up with others.

Many of the students will drop by the wayside and never finish. Those who fall by
the wayside will find it hard to catch up.

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