Have I lost my holiday pay?

2015-01-09 2:11 pm

I worked for an agency until December 27 2014, but my contract ended unexpectedly on that date. I had 2 weeks of unused holiday pay. I have sent a request for my P45 and unused holiday pay but They stated that they cant pay me anything for the unused holiday as the holiday year ends in December and I didn't apply for it. Is this legal? Can I get my holiday pay entitlement or is it lost forever?

回答 (4)

2015-01-09 4:07 pm
If your contract required you to take the holiday during the year to which it applied, then you have lost it. That would be perfectly legal. Your exact position depends on the terms of your employment contract - so you need to read that. I can't tell you what your legal position is, because I don't have a copy of your contract.
2015-01-10 2:03 pm
If your contract says that your holiday pay runs from January to December and you neglected to take it all before the end of the year, you have lost it. Had you had a holiday booked before you left and they had agreed to carry it over into 2015, you would be entitled to be paid but since you had not booked it you would have lost it anyway as of the end of the year.
2015-01-09 5:13 pm
Citizens Advice Bureau
2015-01-09 4:04 pm
You need to talk to The Pay and Rights helpline.
Give it a google.

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