Did "God" rape Mary?, or did he have prior consent?

2015-01-09 4:43 am

回答 (13)

2015-01-09 4:45 am
a - According to the Bible, Mary did give her consent
b - According to the Bible, God did not have sex with Mary - so even without consent, there was no rape
2015-01-09 4:53 am
Try reading it. God sent an angel to explain to Mary what He wished to do, and to obtain her consent. Nothing happened until she said "Let it be done unto me according to your word".
2015-01-09 4:48 am
Read Luke, chapter 1 and come to your own conclusions. You are accountable to God for what you teach about Him. Romans 14:12 KJV So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

You might want to read Ezekiel, chapter 13, verses 2 through 8, as well.
2015-01-09 4:47 am
Well back then women were property and they could be given away, sold, bartered for---so the myth of the impregnation by a god is in keeping with the general contempt for women at that time.
2016-08-20 8:52 am
You call Kenny Rogers moron and ask stuss like this, lol you are a complete retard
2015-01-09 4:16 pm
If God is like 30 gazillion trazillion years old, then boning 14 year old Mary would get him a jail cell here in Georgia, that pesky "Age of Consent" law.
2015-01-09 5:12 am
I've always wondered that too. I'm not a Christian technically, but I'm assuming he used his godly powers to just have a baby grow inside her without any insemination
2015-01-09 4:59 am
" Be done onto me according to thy word" She gave her permission
2015-01-09 4:51 am
Mary wanted it.
2015-01-09 4:45 am
We'll never know, but it's possible.
2015-01-09 4:44 am
No, I think Mary enjoyed it.
2015-01-09 4:54 am
Go away please for your own souls sake.
2015-01-09 4:53 am
Here are her words.

(Luke 1:38) 38 Then Mary said: “Look! Jehovah’s slave girl! May it happen to me according to your declaration.” At that the angel departed from her.

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