which bank should I open a account with?

2015-01-07 10:20 pm
I'm 18 never had a bank account and I think it's time to open one, but I don't know whice bank to do so on. I was going to open a account with chase because it's walking distance from where I live, but I decided to do some research and found out each bank is different with fees and our use for it and etc. So what bank do you recommend for me. Also should I open a checkings account or a savings account or is it a good idea to open both of them at the same time? Thanks.

回答 (3)

2015-01-08 1:15 am
You will be treated better by a small bank or credit union.

Huge banks like Chase will assess arbitrary fees and tend to treat small depositors shabbily.
2015-01-07 10:25 pm
See if you qualify for any credit unions. They have minimal to typically NO fees.
2015-01-07 11:51 pm
Take the bank that has offices & ATM closest to where you live and work.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:10:26
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