The Big Bang Theory is a modern version of the Genesis creation myth. It was devised by a Catholic priest, Georges LeMaitre, and received the support of a god-fearing american scientific community in the early 20th century. Many contrary observations have cropped up over the years, prompting the invention of more and more fantastical concepts in a desperate attempt to keep the theory alive — things like expanding space, inflation and dark energy. There are a number of notable astronomers who recognise the absurdity of it. Some of them give their views in this documentary which you may find interesting... That video also highlights the shameful amount of bias that exists amongst the scientific community. The professionals have to do BigBang-supporting research if they want to keep their jobs. So there is, of course, a lot of research supporting the big bang. It is not so much the evidence that supports the big bang but the conclusions that are drawn by scientific consensus. [see]
The truth is that the big bang theory is severely flawed and will likely be consigned to the history books within a decade or two. There is an increasing weight of evidence opposing it.
The strongest contradicting observations are probably these:
...and here are some more:
This page lists many deficiencies of the big bang theory:
Alternative cosmologies that show some promise are the Plasma/Electric Universe theories: