
2015-01-08 5:00 am
1) I am argry with her. 同 I am pleased with it.
點解係用with既? 我見其他差唔多類型個句式都係用to或者for

2) with 同for 都可以解[對於],咁幾時先決定用邊一個?

3) for 同 to 又可以解[給],又點分幾時用邊個?

4) with有好多個解釋,但我發現有d 用with既句,個with係冇意思解到,
純粹作為adverb或者adjective 係咪真?

e.g She sleeps with the window open.


回答 (6)

2015-01-12 7:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
angry with 是一個phrase,不是verb+preposition

phrase 是由兩個/以上的字詞組成為一個新的或延申的意思,可與完本單單是verb的意思不同,
例如 look after=照顧 但look=看

angry with = 嬲左佢

正如 Freeway Grammar and Usage 2 中亦提及Appendix 中有一堆字詞也是這類型的,要熟就要背,一係就睇多D,Lee項沒有規則的 (非廣告)

sleep with=睡時旁邊...

參考: ME
2015-01-28 8:37 am
It is a pity that 載入中 can't distinguish between "phrase" and "phrasal verb".
phrase = a group of words without a finite verb
phrasal verb = verb + preposition or adverb or sometimes both to give a new meaning
LOOK AFTER is a phrasal verb ( ~ 'look' is a finite verb)
2015-01-21 2:53 am
2015-01-08 7:50 am
Answer 001 got it the wrong way round. It used to be that "angry with" someone and "angry at" something. But using "angry at" someone is acceptable now. You may find people also use "angry about" and "angry over" in other contexts.

You asked about the meaning of certain prepositions and it seems that you think knowing the meaning would help you in deciding which one to use. >> "Z 同Y 都可以解 [xxx] 幾時先決定用邊一個?
That's not the correct way to learn your prepositions. Sometimes it may help knowing the meaning but there is no "why" some words have to follow another. They just do and if you write it differently, you are wrong. You will have to remember them. 有時知道解釋會有幫助 (eg. on time, in time),但更多時是要學只有查字典再死記。人家英文用了那麼多年,無得你困擾,如果以為意思接近亂用就是錯。

Don't worry. You will know if you continue reading and keep your dictionary by your side.
2015-01-08 5:56 am
1) If you use angry on a person, you should say ' I am angry at -someone-' But if you are using angry on something, you should say ' I am angry with -something-'
You should be using with as you are mentioning what you feel towards her and the thing you called it.

2)Actually, it means almost the same, but if you look into some Advanced Learners Dictionary, with means [(相當於帶動詞have的結構)有;帶著;有⋯的特徵
For means [1.strong form: indicating destination, or progress and endeavours. 2. indication what is aimed ar, or the attain of sty, shown by the noun after for.]

3)Those two words are almost the same, it really doesn't matters.

4)I don't think that with means anything, but this with can be translated like 她着左裙 [同] 戴左條項鍊。
2015-01-08 5:18 am
我以為是 angry at her 添

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