Either ..or同Neither ..nor20點

2015-01-08 2:17 am
請問Either ..or同Neither ..nor有咩分別呢?

回答 (4)

2015-01-08 3:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
Either...or (兩者均是) vs Neither ...nor (兩者均不是).

either : two choices, but only on answer(二者其一)

neither : both of the answers are incorrect(兩者都不是). Also, it used negatively.

註︰ either/ neither ... 與 or/nor 之後要句式要互相對稱(名詞對名詞或動詞對動詞,且互不從屬,Or 後面不能用代名詞引用 Either 後的主位 )

Mrs. Wong will either buy a cake or make a cake herself.

Mrs. Wong will play either card games or the piano at the party.
參考: Web
2015-01-08 5:50 am

Either carol or maggie can cook well.
Neither carol nor maggie can cook well

we can either surf the net or play computer games.

we can neither surf the net nor play computer games.

Either Tom or jane will be our new monitor.
Tom 或Jane 將會是我們的新班長

Neither Tom nor Jane will be our new monitor.
出任我們的新班長不會是Tom 或Jane.

Either ..or...兩者之中必有一個

Neither ..nor .. 兩者之中任可一個都不是
2015-01-08 4:05 am
如何看得出用Either ..or同Neither ..nor的句子
例:_______carol_______maggie can cook well.

we can ________surf the net ________play computer games.

________Tom______jane will be our new monitor.
2015-01-08 2:32 am
either, 是但一個係, neither, 全部都唔係。

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