Claiming for hospital treatment on travel insurance?.?

2015-01-06 1:42 pm
Am going to the USA (Florida) in September and I have pre-existing medical conditions which are cirrhosis and diabetes. Am a little worried with there being no NHS and having to rely on travel insurance, so far the most competitive quote was from Avanti but if anyone can suggest other insurers that will cover my conditions at a better price (£343.74) 5 stars will be awarded. The main reason for this question is; say I fall ill whilst in the USA will I be liable to pay anything upfront out of my own pocket or does the insurance company cover that am just worried incase I fall ill and the hospital wants like $10,000 up front.

Am sorry if you thought i was being judge-mental, it was not my intention to be but you have to understand that being from the UK I have only known the NHS so I don't know how a private hospital scheme works and I weren't expecting anything free from your country hence why I have insurance, I was just merely trying to find out if I have to front any money myself should I need treatment or if the insurance company will sort everything like retainer fees etc.

回答 (3)

2015-01-06 4:45 pm
this is AMERICA.
our hospitals don't force you to pay for treatment up front.
our hospitals treat you and then bill you.
i've only used travel insurance once but it was because i fell ill just before i was supposed to leave for my trip not during it so i'm not sure how travel insurance works when you fall ill during the trip.
2015-01-06 4:54 pm
If it is an emergency- any hospital is going to treat you - then bill you and your insurance company.
Any visit to a doctor's office will be expected to be paid at the time of service.
Any optional treatment- elective surgery may be denied.

You land up in the ER for your diabetes or in a car accident- fall and break a leg etc- you will be treated immedicately. What costs you will be billed for -? you need to see what the insurance covers
2015-01-06 2:57 pm
I am from the US. If I fall in your country with a NHS, am I completely covered? I doubt it.

Your research on getting health care when traveling is good. I think that your initial judgmental part is a little bad.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:13:27
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