What is nouns without articles

2015-01-07 6:23 am
What is nouns without articles?

回答 (3)

2015-01-07 5:07 pm
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Some nouns have no articles (a, an , the ) in front.
It is due to uncountable nouns that is always singular in number, including material nouns. And same form in plural as in singular:-
eg:-Baggage:-Baggage of a soldier can't be seen in HK.
eg:-Furniture:-Furniture items are----rocking.
eg:-Rubbish:-Rubbish be thrown away or not ?
eg:-Bread:-eg:-Bread and milk are necessary to have no articles in front.
eg:-Wood:- Wood means in the wood for a walk in the woodland film.

Most abstract nouns are uncountable .It's something I can't give you rules for; you'll have to use your judgement.
eg:-Happiness:-Happiness as a noun should be contended;etc.
eg:-Courage:-Courage as a noun should be bold, etc.
2015-01-07 7:51 am
不是呀,是指名詞前面沒有冠詞 (a, an, the)。
2015-01-07 7:13 am
it means名詞沒有文章

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