大學non-jupas interview問題

2015-01-06 9:15 pm
關於non-jupas marketing interview問題....

1. 去interview洗唔洗帶D咩去? 洗唔洗print埋個resume比佢?
2. 如果interview 表現mama,會唔會影響入學機會?
3. City,Poly同LU interview係咪都係全英?
4. 可以點樣做得更好?

回答 (2)

2015-01-06 10:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. It is up to you.

My suggestion is what is the harm if you prepare them in advance? The worst case is wasting time.

So if I prepare everything about myself (and a copy for the program).

2. Yes.

The reason for the interview is obvious. If you are below average, there is no need to waste the time to interview. If you are at the top, you should have been admitted already.

Interviews, like those in the real world, are used to eliminate candidates.

3. Assume yes. (This question is simple - if any of the literature, document, etc. are in English only, that means it is a English only program.)

4. It is rare for interviewers to ask you about knowledge. So what you should do is you should prepare about yourself (like a brief introduction).

It is just like a job interview.
2015-01-07 4:06 pm
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1. 去interview洗唔洗帶D咩去? 洗唔洗print埋個resume比佢?

>> 如果通知你既email 上面冇寫既話, 就唔駛了. 但係你亦可以帶俾佢地既, 因為如果你係through online apply既話, 好多cert (e.g gce/gcse/asso/hd etc) 都係scan 俾佢既. 所以佢地亦有可能去check 下d cert 既正本, 帶左亦冇壞, 但要小心保管丫.

2. 如果interview 表現mama,會唔會影響入學機會?

>> 當然會啦, 因為大學都想收d好既學生既. 而且non jupas 學位唔太多, 亦多人apply. 所以最好要aim 好少少表現.

3. City,Poly同LU interview係咪都係全英?

>> 係. 因為大學都係用英文教書丫, 所以當然會用番英文in 你 (但如果你係apply同中文有關既學系就會例外)

4. 可以點樣做得更好?

>> 好多interview 都係group interview 黎既, 所以你最好唔好太搶心風頭 (i.e 爭住講). 亦唔好唔講野, show 到你有care 到你身邊既果一位 (i.e 呀xxx, 你有咩意見丫?). 咁就可以了, 亦要留意咬音既.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]

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