英文翻譯文法問題 whatever

2015-01-06 6:32 pm
中文 不論你喜不喜歡 我已經下決定了

答案whether you like it or not , I have made up my mind

我選的是另一個選項: Whatever you like it or not ,I have made up my mind


有人可以解釋一下whatever you like it or not , I have made up my mind


whatever 不是可以當成副詞子句來使用嗎? = no matter what


我的文法書上的例句:whatever the result may be ,he has done his best to express his opinion = no matter what the result may be , he has done his best to express his opinion

回答 (5)

2015-01-06 8:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.Whether you like it or not, I have made up my mind
= Whether you like it or (you) do not like it ...

2.你選的另一個選項: Whatever you like it or not, I have made up my mind是錯誤的,因為動詞like己經有了受詞it,whatever在本句裡沒有生存的空間。whether與whatever不能交換使用。

3. whatever的一些用法如下:
whatever = anything that是一個「複合關係代名詞」,
You may do whatever you like.(whatever帶出名詞子句當do的受詞,同時兼當子句動詞like的受詞)

Whatever happens, I will do it.(關係代名詞whatever引導「讓步子句」,並當其主詞)

Whatever results follow, I will go.(whatever是關係形容詞,引導讓步子句)
You can have whatever magazine you like.(whatever是關係形容詞,帶出名詞子句當動詞have的受詞)

There is no doubt whatever.(形容詞whatever)
2015-01-07 5:25 am
贊同 Louis 大師的解說!

2015-01-06 23:09:52 補充:
Jack 的解說也很有意思。 用理解的方式來解釋代名詞的觀念。不過為什麼 like it A, like it B.... 不行,恐怕版主不易理解。
2015-01-06 10:28 pm
Whatever you like it or not, I have made up my mindwhatever是不定關係代名詞= no matter what 大都解釋只知其然不知其所以然,所謂不定關係代名詞與關係代名詞區別,在有無先行詞,然關係代名詞所具特性相同,Mary will select whomever she pleases.其中whomever所引導子句當select受詞兼具當please受詞,所以文法結構相同的whatever you like( it)or not , I have made up my mind 須將it拿掉而whether you like it or not , I have made up my mind其中whether是連接詞其引導子句當副詞修釋其後主要子句

2015-01-06 14:31:06 補充:
2015-01-06 10:07 pm

● whether you like it or not


1. you like it
2. you don't like it



● whatever the result may be

1. the result may be A
2. the result may be B
3. the result may be C
4. the result may be D
...數不完的結果可能性,都不管,那個whatever 就可變成 A, B, C, D...代入進去。這也合理,對嗎?

● whatever you like it or not
1. you like it A
2. you like it B
3. you like it C
4. you like it D

這個A,B, C,D 放的地方不對,更別說後面還有 or not。or not 是配合「whether」的「是否」來用的。請回想「Please tell me whether you will come or not.」要請你告訴我,會來或不會來,這是一種yes/no 。what 卻
不能配 yes/no 答法,試想這樣的問句不是很不合理嗎:

What do you want to eat or not?

更別說如果後面還有 it 了:

What do you want to eat it or not?

如果想明白了上面這兩個問句為什麼不對,再把上面的問句中eat 都改成 like,您就會自己能解答 whatever 為什麼不行了,而且對於其他類似的 XXXever 也就都會全套理解了!

2015-01-06 7:45 pm
Whatever you like it or not ,I have made up my mind. (X)
Whatever you like; (it does not matter to me.) I have made up my mind.(O)

2015-01-06 11:48:10 補充:

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