問問英文tense 問題

2015-01-06 2:47 am
我約左Mary 傍晚6:30係ABC House 等,我係6:20到達ABC House 咁我係6:20:08同Mary 講"Mary, I have arrived at ABC House." 有無問題。

回答 (4)

2015-01-11 11:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
100% Correct!!!


Mary, I have just arrived at ABC House.

Mary, I have arrived at ABC House already.

參考: ME
2015-01-06 4:27 pm
The present perfect tense is used for something you have done,the present result of past action;-
eg:-In the scene of activity,way of life and the people who are taking part of it:-
eg:-speaking time=20:08-20:00=00:08
eg:-earlier than:-6:30:00-6:20:08=9:52
Hence eg:-Mary, I have arrived 9:52 earlier, but not yet having officially started at ABC House at 6;30 pm.
Present perfect is okay if the words for, since ; just ; already are used.
Best of wishes.
2015-01-06 7:47 am
This is correct. This is the present perfect tense, which is used for something you
have done.
2015-01-06 5:09 am
but u can say " Mary , I have arrived at ABC House already . " too .
參考: myself

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