高手請進 relative clause

2015-01-06 2:13 am
1) I wanted to use the printer. It was broken. (which)
answer: The printer which I wanted to use was broken.

Why answer 不是 : I wanted to use the printer which was broken.

2) The car was made in Japan. It is parked in front of the house. (which)
answer: The car which was made in Japan is parked in front of the house.

Why answer 不是 : The car was made in Japan which is parked in front of the house.

請詳細解釋, 謝謝!

回答 (2)

2015-01-06 7:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Bound relative clauses may or may not be restrictive. A restrictive, or defining,
relative clause modifies the meaning of its head word (restricts its possible referent),whereas a non-restrictive (non-defining) relative clause merely provides
supplementary information. For example:

1. The man who lives in this house has not been seen for days. This (who lives in
this house) is a restrictive relative clause, modifying the meaning of man, and
essential to the sentence (if the clause were omitted, it would no longer be known
which man is being referred to).

2. The mayor, who lives in this house, has not been seen for days. This is a
non-restrictive relative clause, since it provides supplementary information about the mayor, but is not essential to the sentence – if the clause were omitted, it would stillbe known which mayor is meant.
2015-01-06 2:30 am
which 果句子句係短暫地係句子中間修飾主語。

你看看兩句答案當中, 如果省略了 which 那個部份就可以看到主句。

而你發問的兩句, 都嘗試把 which 的子句放在最後, 那麼就不是原意希望在句中加插補充子句的意義。

2015-01-05 18:30:34 補充:
反而, 第二句你應該問, 答案可否是:

The car which is parked in front of the house was made in Japan.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 17:55:35
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