
2015-01-05 5:54 am
我爸爸最近常常以一些理由靠近我的身體,用手擦過我的胸部 令我有種麻麻的感覺。
然後他竟然在吻我! 爸爸可能知道我不能動(我不太清楚),他的手就一直摸我下面,我又感到一點 Hi又感到不好意思! 我下面已經很濕了...

我向爸爸說不,但後果更慘!他把我的衣服都脱掉,更把自己的XX露出了給我看。真的很害怕! 後來媽媽回家才真正的“溫習”....
我跟哥哥說過 但她沒反應 = = 怎麼辦啊...

回答 (3)

2015-01-05 6:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
your dad is 有意的 , he want to touch and do sex with you . You must be very careful about that . You should better tell your mother , teacher or social worker in school , otherise your dad may have a further sexing ( touch your body more often ) .
You should stay away from him right now
Man or boy are horny :(

2015-01-04 22:35:56 補充:
Also how are you now ? Are you in adolescence ?

2015-01-05 22:00:53 補充:
Man always feel interested in girl's body , your dad must want you to do something......
As you are in adolescence now , your chest become bigger to different size .
Just warn you again be careful.You may search the internet to find some sex education
The comment below is also right .

2015-01-05 22:03:39 補充:
you should tell your brother again that you are serious . But be careful that he may treat you like your dad since he was a man too
參考: be careful , i just want to help you and warn you, I am also a 16 years old beautiful girl (laugh cry me :p) . I also be careful with my dad and try to have some distance or stay away from him. You should say no anytime
2015-01-05 10:14 pm
2015-01-05 7:01 pm
2015-01-05 8:57 am
跟學校的社工說, 社工會替你辦.

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