各種講 future 既 tenses 之間既關係

2015-01-05 12:59 am
請問 ‘be going to’ ‘present continuous' 'simple present' 'will' 呢幾款 talking about the future 既 tenses 之間有何分別或關係?

回答 (3)

2015-01-11 4:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. will 表示意向, 說話時決定
I will wait for you.

2. 表示說話的人認為或相信一些將來會發生的動作或事件, 經常和表將來狀語 (tomorrow, next week, soon, later, in a few days) 等連用
Spring will come again soon.
If I drop this glass it will break.

a. offering to do something:
The bag is heavy. I will help you.

b. agreeing to do something:
A: Can you give David this book?
B: I will give him when I see him tonight.

c. promising to do something:
I won’t tell anyone. I promise.

d. asking someone to do something:
Will you please turn the music down?

會使動作看起來更可能發生, 而且更具即時性
He is going to build a house. (暗示他已早決定, 而且可能就快動工)

1. 暗示特意安排好, 多數與一確定的時間共用, 表示最近的將來,有”安排’ , ‘意圖”, “打算” 含義
I am seeing Tom tomorrow.
When are you leaving?

2. 講完說話, 動作接著會做
‘Peter, are you ready yet?’ “I am coming.’
I am tired. I am going to bed. Goodnight.

I am doing something 和 I am going to do something 很相似
We use I am doing something when we have arranged to do it.
e.g. arrange to meet someone
I am going to do something = I have already decided to do it, I intend to do it.

1. 用來表計劃好一個或一連串的將來活動/行動, 尤其當這些行動是與旅程有關. 除此之外時間表, 節目單. schedule 也用 Simple Present

We leave London at 10:00 next Tuesday and arrive in Paris at 13.00
What time does the train leave this evening?
Tomorrow is Sunday.
I start my new job on Monday. (~ fixed plan like a timetable)

2. 可表最近將來, 說話時還未開始行動
What do we do next?
Why don’t you come on Sunday?

3. 當抽象討論未來時, 由於時間概念很弱, 可用 Simple present
Final victory is ours.
The future is bright.

“English does not have a Future tense, but uses a variety of forms to talk about the future. The choice of form often depends on whether we are making a prediction, expressing an intention or talking about an arrangement.”

英語是無 Future tense. 英語是 Germanic language (日耳曼語), 與德語, 荷蘭語, 瑞典語, 挪威語同屬一類, 只有 Present tense 和 Past tense.
所以我們有用 Simple present, Present continuous, be going to, about to + infinitive 和用 modal verbs, will /shall + infinitive 來表示將來會發生的動作或事件

2015-01-13 02:54:38 補充:

“English does not have a 'future tense' …… an arrangement.”
~ from Longman Advanced Learners’ Grammar

“English verbs can show two tenses, present and past”
- from Cambridge Grammar of English

英國牛津, 劍橋, 朗文高級 (advanced) 文法書籍的 Index, 是無 future tense 這個 term.

2015-01-13 03:02:30 補充:
Linguistics 早已言及 tense只有 Present 與 Past, Modern grammarians 使用 “form” 這個字

香港小學教小朋友 tense 有三類, Present, Past 和 Future, 甚至中學老師常用, let alone 學生
重要是書寫句子 grammatically correct.

2015-01-13 06:49:47 補充:
知足常樂 ( 知識長 ):



我比較幸運, 中學英語老師清楚地解釋, 他是英國人, Those were the days!

2015-01-13 11:43:43 補充:

I am going to die by smoking argon for a while ~ 錯
不是 smoking , 是 inhaling
inhale (v) = 吸入

Your life seemed to be too short. ~ 錯
seemed 不是 present tense, 應該用 seems

You'll do it.Will you? ~ 不是 Simple present

一大堆 Non-conclusive verbs, verbs of perception 與 future 無關,

2015-01-14 00:36:43 補充:
另外還有 Future continuous, Future perfect, Future perfect continuous 用來 talk about the future.
有一些學生不明白 Present tense (present simple, present continuous, is/are going to) 怎可以用在所謂 "Future tense"
某些 Present tense 可代替 "Future tense" ?
問題 將 Tense 與 Time 混淆

2015-02-06 21:13:42 補充:
TOMING88 一知半解
is/are/was/were feeling 很 common

You can never tell what he's feeling.
I'm feeling a little better today. ~ Longman D

I was feeling guilty.
Luckily I was feeling in a good mood. ~ OALD

How are you feeling?
He's still feeling a bit weak after his operation. ~ Camb D.
參考: English Grammar in Use; Longman Advanced Learners' Grammar
2015-01-12 5:27 am
「英語是無 Future tense」一句的意思是否指 動詞 的變化?

2015-01-14 00:10:58 補充:
Godfrey 謝謝你~


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2015-01-05 5:04 pm
present continuous tense can be used to show actions in future time, especially when definite arrangements have been made:-
eg;-I am going to die by smoking argon for a while.(=be going to)
simple present
eg:-Your life seemed to be too short.
eg:-Tell me how you feel !
The verbs "seem" and "feel" are seldom used in the continuous tense (present continuous, past continuous and future continuous ). Such verbs include:-Non-conclusive verbs:-agree, belong to, consists of, forgive, hate, know, prefer, seem ; feel etc. For the verbs of perception:- feel ; taste ; seem, hear, notice, observe, recognise, see, smell, etc.
"Will" as modal verb is used for talking about or predicting the future:-
eg:-I'll be in time.
eg:-How long will you be staying ?
eg:-Mary said she'd be leaving.
eg:-By next year all the money will have been spent
eg:-I will check !
eg:-Will you send the letter for me if I'm asking ?
eg:-You'll do it.Will you?(has the simple present about the future.)

2015-02-07 08:01:27 補充:
Modal verbs are:-can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will and would; Also dare,need, have to, used to.eg:-He can scold again and again.He will try and visit China.He used to smke ,but gave up already.

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