Where could someone temporary keep a dog before moving to Hawaii, from California.?

2015-01-04 3:57 am
There was a certain test done on the dog (just recently). But they are supposed to be moving out on February 1st. The results of the test were received, but they said that you have to 120 days before the dog can be transported to Hawaii, from California. What do you think should be done in order for them to keep the dog without getting rid of it?

回答 (4)

2015-01-04 6:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Poor dog will NOT be quarantined in Hawaii. What they did is called a blood titer to test for rabies. As long as all the shots are given at the correct intervals, and the titer comes back clear, at 120 days the dog can go directly to Hawaii and be immediately released.
Find a friend or boarding kennel to watch him until he goes to the airport.
2015-01-04 4:12 am
They can ask a friend or family member to keep the dog until it's able to go, or pay a kennel to board it.
2015-01-04 4:10 am
I would find a friend or a relative to take care of the dog. Of course I would pay them. Poor dog is going to have to be quarantined once it gets to Hawaii, too.
2015-01-04 4:10 am
I'm not sure what you're asking. If you have nobody who will watch it for you, there are pet hotels or good ol kennels that he can stay at which might get complicated if it's a very long stay. But it sounds like that's not the most pressing issue in this situation.

Was it quarantined?
A permit issue?

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