
2015-01-04 4:55 am

回答 (4)

2015-01-04 1:23 pm
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We may sometimes do more harm than good.
It may sometimes backfire on us.
We may sometimes outsmart ourselves.

self-defeating (adj.) 弄巧成拙的 = causing the same or more problems that you were intending to solve

counterproductive (adj.) 反效果的 = achieving the opposite result to the one that you want :

outsmart oneself = to have one's efforts at cunning or cleverness result in one's own disadvantage

backfire (intransitive verb) = 適得其反,事與願違
If a plan or action backfires, it has the opposite effect to the one intended or expected, with bad or dangerous results.

發問者的句子 "我們有時候可能會弄巧反拙", 沒有明確指明我們做什麼會弄巧反拙

如果用 backfire 這個字, subject 是指我們做的事, 我們的計劃,策略,方法, 行動 ...etc

"backfire" 的 subject 可以是 strategy, tactics, plan, joke, comment, stunt. policy, approach.., It, This
Subject 不可以是人, personal pronoun, e.g. I, You, We, He, She

"We may sometimes backfire" ~ wrong

翻譯用什麼字要看我們做什麼使成為 "弄巧反拙"

參考: Oxford English Dictionary; Longman English Dictionary
2015-01-04 3:00 pm
翻譯簡單的英文句子弄巧反拙-本想耍聪明,结果却做了蠢事。 :
outsmart oneself
suffer from being too smart
try to be clever only to end in blunder
try to be clever but act stupidly in the end

Sometimes we may outsmart ourselves.
Sometimes we may suffer from being too smart.
Sometimes we may try to be clever only to end in blunder.
Sometimes we may try to be clever but act stupidly in the end.
2015-01-04 8:34 am
We sometimes may have the opposite effects to the one intended.
(=eg.walk a short-cut road but with bad and dangerous result of slippery killing.)
2015-01-04 7:55 am
We may sometimes backfire

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