My mom always criticizes me and she won't stop! Help?

2015-01-02 10:00 pm

回答 (4)

2015-01-02 10:12 pm
she cares you it doesnt mean critisize ya ya new generation think they are most enteligent who dont know that mother criticize is myestry box you will always find love there
參考: i dont want perfect answer but i told you bcz i have a mother and she criticize me too ...
2015-01-02 10:15 pm
Call 1-800-4-A-CHILD and report her for verbal and emotional abuse.
2015-01-02 10:06 pm
Tell her you're not perfect? I'm not sure. Just tell her to please quit criticizing you. If she doesn't quit maybe give her a taste of her own medicine and start criticizing her.
2015-01-02 10:06 pm
People who are feeling confident and secure and have self respect don't feel a need to call people names, criticise, bully, shout, etc. It seems that your mother is unhappy and insecure. However, if what you write is true, it is very unkind of her to take it out on you.

People who are feeling confident and secure and have self respect don't feel a need to call people names, criticise, bully, shout, etc. Her own -parents were very probably the same with her. Ask her about her own childhood - how did she feel when her own mother criticised her? Do this nicely and sincerely.

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