(1) This is the museum. We visited it last month.
Answer: defining relative clause
This is the museum which we visited last month.
why 不是 non-defining relative clause
(2) They live in a beautiful old house. The house was build 300 years ago.
Answer: defining relative clause
They live in a beautiful old house which was build 300 years ago.
why 不是 non-defining relative clause
(3) My brother Andrew lives in Australia. He is a lawyer.
Answer: My brother Andrew, who lives in Australia, is a lawyer.
My answer is : My brother Andrew, who is a lawyer, lives in Australia. (OK??)
(4) I was looking for a book this morning. I've found it now.
Answer: I've found the book which I was looking for this morning.
My answer is : I was looking for a book this morning which I've found now. (OK??)