non-defining relative clause

2015-01-02 5:22 am
(1) This is the museum. We visited it last month.
Answer: defining relative clause
This is the museum which we visited last month.
why 不是 non-defining relative clause

(2) They live in a beautiful old house. The house was build 300 years ago.
Answer: defining relative clause
They live in a beautiful old house which was build 300 years ago.
why 不是 non-defining relative clause

(3) My brother Andrew lives in Australia. He is a lawyer.
Answer: My brother Andrew, who lives in Australia, is a lawyer.
  My answer is : My brother Andrew, who is a lawyer, lives in Australia. (OK??)

(4) I was looking for a book this morning. I've found it now.
Answer: I've found the book which I was looking for this morning.
My answer is : I was looking for a book this morning which I've found now. (OK??)

回答 (2)

2015-01-02 8:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
承接001的回答...第四條他的意思是which作為連接詞時所指的是which字前的那東西,所以你寫的句...this morning which I've found...的which文法上所指是"this morning"而不會是你"想講的那"a book",所以只能回答"錯句"。

按照你的句子結構次序(假如你堅持要先寫"...was looking for..."),高級一點的寫法是可以寫為
I was looking for a book this morning in which I've found it now.
應該算是解決寫法上的錯誤而算是表達出"你今早找書"的這件事(in which)現時的結果是"I've found it".
不過從老師或嚴格的文學而言,由於in which後是延續講述或詳解前句的情況或細節,後句寫成"I've found it now"是前句的結果可能仍會被人疚病為文理混亂。

原文意思的重心是結束句He is a LAWYER;他住在那裏(澳洲)似是附助背景資料,所以結合重組句時要尊重這重心。你的寫法的重心是你兄弟(是一個律師)今天住在澳洲,而不是你兄弟是(住在澳洲)的一名律師。

一二題的defining relative clause即是指附加形容的片語"是指出那要形容的東西"的獨特性和提供更準確的定位。non-defining relative clause一般是寫一種形容的描述或者只是加插形容前句東西或情景的修飾。
例子:Mary is in high school. She is beautiful.組合句便不能確定Mary是何人或有何'beautiful"特徵以致可以肯定在學校內認出她,這看來便應該是non-defining relative clause.但仍可增加"相對地"使你增加對主角的"感覺"。
2015-01-02 4:57 pm
(1) It is a defining relative clause because if we dont say 'which we visited last month', then people dont know which museum it is.

(2) It is a defining relative clause because if we dont say 'which was built 300 years ago', then people dont know which house we are talking about.

(3) OK

(4) Not OK! The relative pronoun should be placed right after the noun it stands for. It is not 'this morning' that I have found. It is 'a book' that I have found.

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