What do you think of this new law?

2014-12-31 6:15 pm
In New York in February, it becomes illegal to pose for a photo with a lion, tiger or other big cat. The measure, which specifically prohibits contact between members of the public and big cats at animal shows, passed after self-portraits with the animals started becoming more popular online, particularly with some young men on dating sites.

回答 (12)

2014-12-31 7:03 pm
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Probably to save stupid people from their own actions. To get better and better selfies there are probably many putting themselves at risk.

Tigers and lions don't care about your selfie , they just want to eat your head if you get too close.
2014-12-31 6:16 pm
I think it is a good law, because otherwise how can you tell who you are agreeing to go on a date with--the young man or the tiger? There should be only one thing per picture.
2015-01-01 9:44 am
don't see how such a law can be enforced - what if a New Yorker were to pose with a big cat while on holiday outside USA? takes photo and then sends it via their smartphone to pals back home Stateside?

what a load of crap
2015-01-01 2:12 am
I think it's survival of the fittest. If you're stupid enough to try to get a selfie with a tiger or lion and you get killed, YOU DESERVE IT!!!
2014-12-31 11:22 pm
Sometimes the big cats are sedated which is a cruel practice . Even big cats used to human contact can be dangerous if spooked or tormented and can kill .
2014-12-31 7:29 pm
Sounds nutty - an unworkable.
I know little about such things but can't you nowadays mock-up such images - and then relay them
all round the lollipop - via friends/contacts /relatives in say London, Jo'burg, Sydney Australia ?
If the final posting is from say Paris - how can the 'Authorities' tell i) when the picture was taken (pre
or post Feb 2015 ii) link the face to the originator - who might use 3 or 4 avatars and start the chain
on a friend's mobile phone and iii) prosecute a NYC resident for an image posted from Paris ???

Assuming I am not in error about such stuff - I am certain Law enforcement agencies would be better
employed tracking terrorists, drug traffikers etc etc etc.
2014-12-31 7:04 pm
No worries,wasn't planning to.
2014-12-31 6:37 pm
I have never dated a large animal, and I have no desire to be photographed with one. I don't think the law will affect many normal people.
2014-12-31 6:29 pm
Well the new mayor is a bit of a nut job and I say that as a leftie myself. Dont forget he wants to banish the hansom cabs but the horses are protected already by the SPCA. This is going too far. Maybe he can be recalled.
2014-12-31 6:17 pm
It sounds like the pols are dealing with this because they're incompetent to fix real problems.

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