Hours estimate and employer robbing me help?

2014-12-31 5:30 pm
Hi so I just got my first job and i feel like my employer is taking advantage of me,i can almost swear he steals hours from me. he pays every 15 days last paycheck was from 12/1 - 12/15 and we received it on the 20th of December. Now next paycheck is on Monday the 5th. I have wrote down all my hours this time so i can prove i have the hours they are as follows:

DEC 16 8.40AM - 6.30 PM
DEC 17 9.40 - 5.40 P.M
DEC 18 9.30AM -6.00PM
DEC 19 11 AM - 5.30 PM
DEC 22 9.30 AM - 5.30PM
DEC 23 9.40 AM - 5.30PM
DEC 26 11AM -4.30PM
DEC 29 9.30AM - 6.30PM
DEC 30 9.30 AM TO 2.10PM

Would you be so kind of telling me how many hours should appear on my next paystub according to the previously shown hours(and that i get a 30 min paid break period each day) ? Also he don't wanna pay overtime and a coworker found he(the employer) robbed him 4 overtime hours .... What should we do this is so unfair and we are in Florida BTW :( Thanks so much!

回答 (4)

2015-01-01 7:26 pm
"half hour paid break", sounds like it is not your lunch. Most places do not pay for lunch so you would have to deduct half an hour for each day. Keep track of your hours and if there is a discrepancy bring it up to them. If they deny it then ask to see the time punch. If they are not paying you overtime you have certain rights guaranteed by the state Labor laws. Since the state of Florida has no OT laws (and many other labor laws that they don't have), then the Federal regulations apply. Here is a link to the U.S. Department of Labor regulations concerning overtime pay: http://www.dol.gov/whd/overtime_pay.htm

According to the Federal regulations, you are only entitled to OT pay on a weekly basis - if your hours worked are over 40 - at the rate of 1.5 x regular rate of pay.

If your employer does not pay you this then you can report them to the Hour and Wage Division of the U.S. Department of Labor.

As an employee, it is in your best interest to learn your rights and responsibilities as an employee - to guarantee you are treated and paid fairly.
參考: In the work force for 30 yrs.
2014-12-31 6:42 pm
Either learn to calculate your hours and do it each day, or week; or get and use a time clock calculator. Go to one of the sites and use an app if you want the calculations done. Google this: "calculate work hours with lunch break" or "time clock calculator".

Lunch: Take an UNPAID half hour off for your lunch. You must have misunderstood. They will not be paying you to take lunch except in some jobs like security guard or nurse where you have to stay at a work station to eat.

I asked and learned how to calculate my time, and kept it in a notebook or on paper handy. Compare it to your paycheck.

Ask how they round time up or down. Usually it is rounded up or down by 7 minute increments, to the closest quarter hour. So 9:40 becomes 9:45.
Start and end at quarter hours, not 10 minute increments. It looks like you are starting late and leaving early, or leaving late. Cannot tell for sure.

Overtime: An employee is not allowed to work overtime without authorization. They should tell management if they are going to be at 40 hours before their expected shift is over. They should be leaving then. They cannot just do the overtime and expect to be paid lots more money. However, the employer should pay them for that time worked. They should never work the OT hours again unless ordered to do it.
參考: Work experience and labor laws
2014-12-31 5:40 pm
keep copies of your hours worked and compare to pay stub hours - if any discrepancy complain immediately - if not corrected, then contact state dept of labor
2014-12-31 5:31 pm
There are paid break times and unpaid lunch - if you're getting an hour off for meals, that's not paid.

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