
2014-12-31 11:53 pm

回答 (7)

2015-01-15 1:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Playing regular badminton conditions your body so that the basalheart rate drops a few beats per minute and blood pressure is reduced. Anotherparticular health benefit of playing regular badminton is protection from heartdisease, especially heart attacks. Playing badminton conditions and strengthensthe heart muscles besides reducing hypertension and keeping blood vessels fromclogging. Even people with pre-existing heart disease can benefit by playingbadminton within their endurance levels under medical supervision and advise. Regularsessions of badminton helps overweight people reduce their weight and attainoptimal weight for their height and age. This effect is due to the excesscalories burnt during playing badminton which prevents them from accumulatingas fat and increasing weight.
參考: 李家恆
2015-01-13 4:32 am

Healthy body can grow fast high
2015-01-12 3:10 am
Badminton can improve your health,when we run,our legs will become stronger.
When we jump, we'll be taller.
On the other hand, badminton can help us to make good friends, we'll race and talk about badminton.
We can play badminton if we want, badminton is convenient. We can play it
everywhere, etc.park,home......
參考: By myself
2015-01-02 12:21 am









2015-01-01 11:13 pm
Badminton is a good sport and it has several benefits. (benefits為好處)
Firstly, playing badminton regularly can protect us from heart diseases, especially heart attacks. It works by strengthening our heart muscels. (strenthen為增強)
Secondly, we can reduce our weight by playing badminton regularly. The excess calories in our bodies will be burnt during the sport. (excess為多餘, calories為卡路里)
Thirdly, like other sports, playing badminton keeps us feeling well and strong, as well as making us stay positive. (postivie為正面)
d資料我係喺下面嘅網站揾嘅, 但上面篇文完全係我自己根據d資料作的, 我讀傳統英文名校,段文應該冇乜錯(非曬命,只係想你對我篇文有信心:)
Happy new year!!!
2015-01-01 10:57 pm
I can answer your question in English.
First of all a happy New year.
Badminton can be increased, because you always jump.
you can keep fit,increase physical
2015-01-01 8:52 pm

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