Whats the best website to write a novel?

2014-12-30 8:28 am
I am starting on my novel, however I don't have a good reliable website to keep my chapters and writing. If you could supply a link to the website also.

回答 (11)

2014-12-30 8:45 am
Most authors don't write anything on a website at all.
They write using Word, save their work onto their hard drive and back it up on at least one memory stick.
2014-12-30 8:49 am
Why do you need a website? Why can't you just use Word?
2014-12-30 8:34 am
I have written many articles, and a couple of novels. I always use Google Docs. This way, I can write wherever I want, and it saves automatically. It's great.
2014-12-30 8:46 am
Why not just get a thumb-drive, and save it to that every night, and then when it's finished, just submit the whole thing at once, or am I not understanding the question? (good luck, best wishes).
2014-12-30 11:39 am
You don't need to use a website. Some people use Google Docs, though I'd say this is really only necessary if you want to be able to access your writing from more than one device.

Most writers that I know of just use Microsoft Word. If you don't have that, or don't think it's worth the money, a good alternative is OpenOffice, which is a free download from www.openoffice.org.
2014-12-30 10:06 am
I use the free download program yWriter. It has helped me a lot. Take a look at it and decide for yourself.
2014-12-30 8:40 am
Use Word
2014-12-30 10:55 am
Try wattpad
2015-01-01 4:10 pm
LibreOffice/Microsoft Office and Dropbox?

I mean it, all you need is some format for your writing to be it. You could even write wordpad or pure text files. And use dropbox or another online service to keep them all together. And well you'll find flash based story also quite useful. Indeed you don't need much space for text documents. Or even research files.. not at all. A $10 stick can get you there. Buy two so you have a backup. And .. burn it on a CD every month or three. Just to be sure!

It is that simple. Though if you don't trust putting your things unprotected online you might want to use a password. Anything you put online can be hacked.

But yeah it is easy enough to use your office program and some kind of cloud service.

Oh and yWriter? That stuff is awesome, makes it easy to keep track of who is who and who has the McGuffin.
2014-12-31 7:29 pm
Don't see why you'd need a website to write a novel. You just need a really good word processing software such as the latest MS Word or Open Office. You can buy them at a computer or office supply store at a rather good price, and it's easy to install. Now, for posting stories on the internet, I simply do it on fictionpress.com.
2014-12-31 2:19 am
Penana (http://www.penana.com) is one of them :)

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