-ed & -ing adjective

2014-12-31 1:05 am
Complete their conversation with the correct forms of the adjectives.

Paul: I am (1) (interest) in video games. This shooting game is (2) (interest).
Mother: No, Paul. Reading is better than playing video games.
Paul: Mum, reading is (3) (bore). I have enough books to read at school.
How about this 'Shooting the Aliens' game?
Mother: No, it is too (4) (frighten). Your sister Kate will be (5) (frighten)
to play this game. You need to play with Kate more. She is (6) (bore)
at home.
Paul: Hey, look at this bicycle. Cycling is (7) (excite). Both Kate and I will be
(8) (excite) about that.
Mother: Don’t you have enough exercise, Paul? I think you and Kate should
learn to be (9) (relax) more. Let me get you two some piano music.
It is very (10) (relax).

回答 (5)

2014-12-31 7:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. interested

2. interesting

3. boring

4. frightening

5. frightened

6. bored

7. exciting

8. excited

9. relaxed

10. relax


2014-12-31 10:25:53 補充:
-ed = describing people

-ing = describing things, events, activities
參考: ME, ME
2014-12-31 8:20 pm
We use adjectives that end with -ed to describe people's feelings (sometimes animal)
frightened child, frightened horse

We use an adjective that ends with -ing to talk about people, a thing or an activity that makes us have a feeling
The ghost is frightening.
interesting insight - abstract noun
2014-12-31 2:20 am
「以 ~ing 尾的形容詞, 是形容事件的. 」


I am a boring person.
He is an interesting person.

但 I 和 he 都不是事件。

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2014-12-31 2:00 am
以 ~ed 尾的形容詞, 是形容人的感受.

1) I am interested in video games.
5) Your sister Kate will be frightened to play this game.
6) She is bored at home.
8) Both Kate and I will be excited about that.
9) I think you and Kate should learn to be relaxed more.

以 ~ing 尾的形容詞, 是形容事件的.

2) This Shooting game is interesting.
3) Mum, reading is boring.
4) NO, it is too frightening.
7) Cycling is exciting.
10) It is very relaxing.
2014-12-31 1:23 am
Paul: I am (1) interested in video games. This shooting game is (2) interesting.
Mother: No, Paul. Reading is better than playing video games.
Paul: Mum, reading is (3) boring. I have enough books to read at school.
How about this 'Shooting the Aliens' game?
Mother: No, it is too (4) frightening. Your sister Kate will be (5) frightened
to play this game. You need to play with Kate more. She is (6) bored
at home.
Paul: Hey, look at this bicycle. Cycling is (7) exciting. Both Kate and I will be
(8) excited about that.
Mother: Don’t you have enough exercise, Paul? I think you and Kate should
learn to be (9) relaxed more. Let me get you two some piano music.
It is very (10) relaxing.
參考: me

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